chapter 25 - back home

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The next morning, we start our journey back home from the beach. I blast the radio as malia sings along, so joyfully, her eyes squinted as a smile forms from ear to ear. "Yknow it's not the same as it was, as it wa-aas" she sings beautifully, her voice filled with joy as she continues the song. We get home with time to spare, "wanna stay?" I ask, looking up at the house as we get out of the caravan.
"Sure" she smiles

We wonder into the house,
"Bailey is that you?" Mum shouts from the kitchen,
"And malia!" I shout back over the sound of the oven and oil sizzling.
"Oh malia, such a nice young girl" She mutters "hello malia!" Mum shouts again.
"How about you go up to my room, ill be up in a sec" I whisper to malia as I take my shoes off and wander into the kitchen.
"Yeah, okay" she replies quietly while taking her shoes off and walking upstairs.
"Mum, I was wondering if... that caravan... do you... mind- if I maybe, um live in it... with malia??" I ask, concerned with what her answer may be.
"Look, I know there's something going on there and yes I don't mind if you do so, just letting you know you can always come home if you need" she replied, rather quickly and nicely, "we never use it and it could be a nice living space for you, there's everything you need in there, kitchen, washer and bathroom, as long as you pay for food and petrol yourself" she smiles before looking back at the food she's cooking. I turn around, grinning while I strut out of the room proudly, jumping about having some responsibility.

I run upstairs and shout malia the news, talking faster than my brain as my brain races with thoughts "malia, will you please be my girlfriend and live with me so we can be a couple cos I love you so much and I'm so happy to be with you" I spurt out, shocked and excited at the same time, "did I just say that? Shit, forget it" I stupidly back up, worried at teh look on her face,
"YES!" She shouts, her face screwing up as she smiles at me, she puts our heads together and whispers "I love you" before kissing me slowly I can feel her smile forming on my lips as we hold our lips together. I move away from her  and grasp her shoulders,
"We need to get our stiff ready!" I exclaim, "want me to drive you home so you can pack??"
"OK, yes let's go" malia gets up, stumbling down the stairs and putting her shoes on before running to the passenger side door.
"I need to unlock it" I laugh from the end of the driveway
"Cmonnn" she urges as I walk over to open her side
"Let's go" I smile whilst she gets in, happier than ever.

*time skip*

"Got everything?" I sarcastically say as she walks out with a suitcase and 3 big reusable Lidl bags worth of clothes, tech, snacks and other essentials, we load them into the boot and drive back home "I stole some of my dad's beer" she whispers excitedly, plugging her seat belt before we set off to mine.

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