chapter 8 - English class

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*after lunch before English*

I walk into English later than everyone else
"What's your excuse now?" The teacher asks in a frustrated tone.
"No excuse, I'm just late" I reply
"Detention in maths 4 after school" she adds annoyingly. I just wish she would shut the fuck up. I thought to myself as I walk over to my seat in the back corner of the class, I notice that all the assholes that usually sit next to me are not in today so I pull my phone out and text malia who is sat on the other side of the class.

 I thought to myself as I walk over to my seat in the back corner of the class, I notice that all the assholes that usually sit next to me are not in today so I pull my phone out and text malia who is sat on the other side of the class

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I shove my phone back into my pocket and raise my hand.
"What do you want bayley" the teacher answers with a clearly fed up sort of tone
"I don't have my book" I answer back, knowing full well I shoved it in my bag last lesson so I didn't have to work.
"Fine, I'll go look for it in a minute".
I wait for a while and the teacher finally leaves and Malia sprints to the seat next to me and smiles at me. The teacher opens the door perfect timing and tells me I'm gonna have to use a sheet of paper instead, not even noticing Malia next to me.
"Thank god for that" I whisper to Malia.
Time goes by in class and the teacher is still rambling on about Shakespeare or some shit, I look at Malia and immediately start to get horny, I try to position my covered pussy onto the corner of the chair, I get a bit wet but the chair just isn't doing it for me. Malia turns to me and looks down,
"You need help with that" she whispers in my ear with her sexy voice as she puts her hand on my thigh, I nod, with begging eyes
"Please do" I say whisper moaning at the thought of it. She slowly moves her hand up to the waistband of my school trousers and reaches her hand into my underwear, I gasp at the feeling of her cold hands caressing my throbbing, wet pussy. She goes further down to my pussy hole and hovers her finger there before shoving 3 in at a time, "mmh" I exclaim, luckily the teachers voice was louder so noone heard me. Malia feels around my pussy and I start to feel her fingers get to the spot "right there" I whisper moan in her ear "and faster" I gasp and moan silently wishing I could just let it out, I grab her by her covered pussy and reach my finger around her underwear and down towards her pussy hole, we both become a cumming mess in the back of the classroom as we each go faster inside eachother, I feel like I'm in heaven as she gasps and moans quietly into my ear, she turns me on so much that cum starts to spill out rapidly onto her fingers, she must have found that hot as the next second cum starts flowing from her pussy and onto my fingers, Malia moans loudly but the teacher turns around and thinks she's bored of her lesson so she tells her, "detention after school in maths 4" I smile at her as she smiles back, we both had the same idea. We start to finish up and lick our fingers clean of eachother's cum. I then think about what would have happened if the class was empty and I get wetter and even more turned on. The bell rings  at the end of lesson and the teacher shouts at us that we need to get to our detention so we head there.

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