chapter 19 - the cinema

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It's now Saturday morning and I wake up late at 10:00. I feel around my bedside for my phone, finally grabbing it, checking my texts to notice Malia's contact. I remember that it's our first date is in 3 hours. Oh my god I need to look amazing today. I head to the shower, putting shampoo and conditioner allover my hair. I finish washing my hair and my mind races straight to the thought of Malia. I start to imagine her wet pussy on me, her big tits smashing against me, her lips on mine. I trail my hand down to my pussy, slowly stroking it as I moan at the thought of Malia's naked body. My fingers slowly make their way down closer to my clit. I quickly sink 4 fingers inside of myself, moaning loudly at the feeling as it hits my spot straight away. I bring my other hand down and use it to help push my other hand further inside of me faster. I feel my cum start to drip allover my fingers as I let out multiple moans. I pull my fingers out and lick them clean before getting out and getting into my best clothes. I throw on my black hoodie and my favourite ripped jeans. I dry my hair and throw a black beanie over the back of my head before putting on my necklaces and rings. I grab my phone and get into my car to leave for the cinema, picking up malia first. On the drive to the cinema we just talk about the movie we're going to watch. I already picked the perfect romantic movie that would get both of us in the mood for the rest of the date. We get to the cinema and buy our tickets and snacks. We bought pop corn, pepsi and loads of chocolate. We make our way up to screen 4 and sit down at the very back, there seemed to be lots of other couples around our age dotted around the front and middle. As we wait for the ads and trailers to finish, Malia begins to get comfortable, she leans over slowly, resting her head on my shoulder, cuddling into me. The movie starts and I slowly sneak my hand onto Malia's thigh, inching it up every few minutes. She puts her hand on top of mine and cuddles up closer to me. The movie continues, the scenes getting more and more sexual. I start to feel my pussy throb at the thought of me and Malia doing the same as the characters in the movie. She at one point moves her hand off of mine,
"Feel free" she whispers, taking her head off my shoulder and looking up at me. She smirks as my hand makes its way up her thigh slowly, I'm now so horny and already wet for her. I continue to move my hand up, waiting for the next sexy scene, it comes shortly and I move my hand up her skirt quickly before shoving all 5 fingers up inside her wet pussy. She grabs the chair, moaning loudly, people must have thought it was the movie, I kept going , hitting her spot, faster and faster every time she moaned. She grasps my hoodie before shoving her hand down my jeans and into my soaked pussy
"Mhm fuck" I moan loudly throughout the dark room. No-one hearing me over the movie. We both go faster inside eachother making eachother become cumming messes allover eachother's fingers. The scene ends, my pussy now throbbing profusely. We pull our fingers out of one another and lick the cum off of our fingers before watching the rest of the movie.

The movie ends and we leave quickly before running to my car.
"Well, what do you want to do next?" I ask, turning to Malia. She brings her face close to my ear and whispers,
I grab her face and smash my lips against hers, violently making out with her. She climbs into the back of the car. I crawl over the armrest and onto the backseat over Malia, kissing her before taking off my hoodie and covering one window using it.
She then takes hers off and I cover the other window before kissing her. I straddle her as she sits back up, unclipping her bra as she unzips mine. Our tits bounce out, smashing onto one another. I rip off her trousers and underwear as she does to me before crawling over her, my tits dangling in her face. I grind my pussy over hers, letting my tits smash onto her face. I continue to do this, feeling myself get wetter just by her touch. I sit back up, straddling over her before grabbing the strap on I stole from the party and putting it on. I grind my fake dick on her pussy before shoving it inside her pussy, making her moan loudly as I muffle it with a kiss. I continue to grind faster and faster on Malia making her moan continuously before cumming allover the strap on. I become really horny and grind faster and faster as she pushes her hips up towards me. I continue to grind up against her hitting her spot, as she moans
"Mmh fuck Bayley" she screams loudly throughout the car, now I'm sure we're causing the car to shake but I keep going faster. She grabs me by the waist and pulls me into her violently, my tits smashing into her face. She moans loudly into my chest as I push the strap on up further, making her cum more times in a row. I pull out and sit straddled over her legs. Taking off the strap on and shoving into my mouth, licking her cum clean off of it before taking it out and shoving my tongue into her mouth, kissing her rapidly as I put my clothes back on. I climb into the front as she throws on her clothes and.

Malia climbs back into the passenger seat and I drive us back to mine. I let her in and run her a warm bath, sitting in with her, letting her rest her head on my shoulder.

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