chapter 6 - see you at school

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*the next morning*

I wake up, barely able to open my eyes. I look down and I see Malia still cuddled up, I can tell she's already awake, she must enjoy cuddling up to me. I find it really cute how she was still holding onto me.

I gently tapped her and asked if she was awake, acting as if I didn't already know
"Yeah, you?" Malia replies sarcastically, I laugh. I get my phone from beside me and check the time, 11:34 am
"we slept well" I say to Malia "would you like some breakfast? we have pop tarts, waffles and crepes" i asked since I figured we were most likely as hungry as eachother "I'll have a pop tart please" she replies cutely
"Good choice" I agreed "I might have one too" I smile as I get up to go to the kitchen and put both pop tarts in the toaster. She comes in to scare me right as the toaster popped, I jumped like crazy
"Oh my god, don't do that to me" I laugh and get the pop tarts from the toaster and hand her one and I bite into the other.

After we finish our breakfast I get a text from my mum

I tell Malia that we have 3 more hours and that we should probably clean up now and hang out after

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I tell Malia that we have 3 more hours and that we should probably clean up now and hang out after.
"Ok I'll take the bean bag and blanket upstairs, and you figure out how to clean the sofa" she replies
"Oh, I forgot about the sofa" I laugh "I must be tired from last night" I wink and smile at Malia, she starts to blush and runs out with the blanket and bean bag. I laugh to myself as I get the cleaning products from under the kitchen sink. Malia runs back down the stairs, still red and asks if I know how to clean it, luckily I do and get to work. First I scrub the sofa cover with a soapy sponge and then take it off and throw it into the tumble dryer.
"Hopefully the cover dries quickly enough, we can go hang out now" I tell Malia as I lean on the living room doorway.
"Where should we go?" Malia asks
"The woods was fun yesterday" I say with a smile and another wink, this time she blushes even more. We get dressed in different rooms as if we hadn't seen eachother's entire bodies the night before.
Malia walks into the bathroom where I'm changing
"Sorry for just walking in on you" she says blushing as I'm only In a sports bra and trackies "but do you have any spare clothes, I forgot to pack extras" she asks shyly
"Yeah sure what do you need?" I ask as I pull a shirt over my head and lead her up to where my drawers are.
"Just a jumper thanks" she requests as I open the drawer, I pull out an oversized hoodie and hand it to her, she pulls it over herself and thanks me, she looks so cute in my clothes. "You can keep it" I say to her, she seemed too happy in it to take it back
"You sure?" She questions
"100%" I reply "you look so cute in it"
She starts to get redder than before and
"I-i'm gonna put my shoes on" she stuttered as she runs down the stairs in a blushing mess. I follow her and put my shoes on and grab my house keys. And leave for the woods. We chave eachother down to the woods and make our way to the swing, no-one there, the woods are empty so we go on the swing on at a time, taking turns to push each other. I grab the swing again like the day before but instead of standing there I climb on and kneel over her lap, we swing for a while as we lock eyes.

I reach out to her face and tuck her hair behind her ear and lean in to kiss her gentle lips. We kiss for what feels like years, it soon starts to progress as I grind over her lap, still clothed, she lets out a muffled moan into my mouth. I feel myself start to get wet as I grind faster on her lap, teasing her, she kisses me harder now making out with me, I so badly want more but I realise we're still in the woods so I pull away and say we should probably get home so I get off of the swing and we head to my car and I drive Malia home.

We get to her house, I kiss her on the cheek before she opens the door and she runs through the front gate blushing cutely.
"See you at school!" I shout, "see you at school!" she calls back, trying to hide her bright red face.

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