chapter 11 - what are we?

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Thursday arrives slowly and I decide to invite Malia to come to the woods with me after school so I walk to English and she sneaks next to me
"Hi" she says smiling at me as she drops her bag
"Hi" I reply "do you want to come to the woods with me after school?" I ask.
"Definitely" she says smiling even more.
"Ok great!" I answer back
"Girls stop chatting" the teacher yells, I roll my eyes and look at my book.

*Time skip*
After school

Malia and I head to the woods near my house and sit ourselves down against a tree, the swing was taken. Malia sits between my legs kind of in my lap and I wrap my arms around her as she nestles her head into my chest. Im starting to like her even more. She looks up at me and I kiss her forehead.
"What are we?" She hits me with this question
"Well, what do you want us to be?" I ask, usure of what she wants
"Well, I like being more than friends but I also really like being your friend so I'm not sure" she replies with a questionable expression on her face.
"Ok then, we don't have to put a label on we can just be... More than friends" I say calmly to her as she looks back up at me
"Really?" She questions
"Yes, really" I laugh
She reaches up and puts her soft hand on my cheek, gently bringing my face down to hers, I kiss her soft lips and smile at her.
Is this the right time to say it? I think to myself. AHH fuck it, I think again.
"I love you" I whisper to her calmly.
"Aaw I love you too" she replies, we both smile at eachother, I'm so glad that went well. I think to myself once again. We cuddle by the tree chatting about random stuff for a few more hours untill it gets dark.
"Do you just wanna stay at mine and skip school tomorrow?" I ask. I  just didn't want to stop hanging out with her.
"I'd love to!" She exclaims as we get back up to start walking home, the whole way, we just chat about random stuff. Her laugh is so cute, Her smile, everything.

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