The first meet

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Harlequin P.O.V

I was sitting in front of a tree, in a ball and was crying, i had lost my friends and my mother the same week, and now, father hate me and he alredy move on from her. I hate my step mother, she thinks she can do wathever she want to me because now she's my dad girlfriend ? Well no ! And because of her my 'dad' kick me out for two weeks of the house ! Where i am supose to go ? I don't know so now i live literally in the forest, i kinda like it to, but not all fairy are nice, they bully me for not having wings and pointy ears like them, that'd not fair ! I did have pointy ears and wings ! But humains take them of ! 

"Hey, are you okay ?"

I heard the voice ask me, i cuold hear from the voice that it was a little kid like me, why doesn't he ignore me like the other ? 

"Yeah i'm fine !"

I said, quikly  wipping the tears in my eyes, i look at the boy, he as green little ligth hair, and as amber eyes like me but he's eyes look more ligth then mine, he as beautiful white and blue wingsand had pointy ears.

"You sur your alright ? You where crying..."

"Yes i am alright thank you."

I start to get up and turn my back at the boy, when i was about to leave he grabe my sleeve and turn me around to face him, he look happy and sad in the same time it was confusing.

"Do you want to play with me ? Nobody want because they find me 'to weird'..."

"Sur i don't have anithing to do and i would love to finally mad a friend !"

I just finish what i was saying that he alredy had a big smile on his face.

"Thank you ! Lets go play then !"

He drag me around the forest as we were playing tag. We play the whole day, but of course he had to go home.

"Do you want me to come with you ?"

He asked me, i start to tremble, what should i say ? That i can't go to my house for two weeks ? Or should i lie ? I was never good at making lie ! The boy with green little ligth hair approche me.

"I can ask my mother if you can come to my house !"

I was shocked when he said that.

"But we barely now eachother !"

"It's okay ! Ho and my name is Helbram ! What about you ?"


"Come Harlequin, my mother will be worried about me after !"

He than grabe my arm and start running toward is house, i was kinda scared of how would his parents would react. But he try to not think to much about it. It feel like hours before they get to the green haired fairy house. 

"We are here !"

The house was a little bigger more than i exepted. Helbram knoc at the door wich make me froze in place sinse a women who look exactly like him open the door.

"Where were you !? Do you know how worried i was ?!

"Sorry mama..."

"Who's behind you ?" 

I didn't answer scared to talk. Helbram introduce me at my place.

"This is Harlequin ! My first friend ! Can he stay over a little ?"

"Of course, i don't mind."

"Yeah !!!"

I enter he's house, well he drag me in the house. It was really beautiful, he show me around is house, it take 35 minutes to introduce his house sinse how big it was. 

"And that's your room !! I hope you like it ! And if you have a nightmare come to me or my mother !"

"Okay...thank you Helbram...! You really didn't have to..."

"Everithing for my friend !" 

We start to talk a bit and i tell him a bit about my father, he say that he was very sorry and that i didn't deserve this. He also told me that he never knew his father, he left to go buy milk and didn't come back.

"Maybe he didn't find milk ? Or the fil in the store is to big."


"Boys ! Come down the diner is ready !"

"Coming mom/miss !"

We get out of 'my room' and want to eat. I wasn't really hungry but i still eat a bit atleast. after eating Helbram and i want to my room again as he give some cloth.

"You can us them as a pyjama there to tiny for me." He say with a smirk.

"Are you calling me short !!??" I yell back louder.

"Just take the cloth alredy." 

"Fine but don't call me short again."

"I didn't call you short i call tou tiny~"

"That's worth !"

He start laughting at my respond and i start blushing a bit at is exprection. 

"I'm changing and i'm going to bed. Good night..."

"Good night !"

I take the cloth he leave in my bed and i go to the bathroom to change, as i change myself i can't stop thinking about when my mother help me change when i was a kid. I coulnd't help but to see Laura in Helbram, they had the same energie and without even noticing, i was crying. When i notice, i whiped the tears from my eyes and finish changing, after i finish i go back to my bedroom an want to bed.

I wake up hours later from a nightmare, i didn't wanted to bother any of them but in the same time if i don't calm down i will have a panick attak and i didn't wanted that. I get of my bed and go out of my room, i knew where Helbram room was so it didn't take me to long to reach it. I open the door and saw that he was sleeping peacfully, i didn't wanted to annoy him. I hesitat to enter but after remenbering what he told me i enter the room, i sat on is bed shake him a bit but enough for him to wake up. He sat down on the bed, still half asleep and look at me choc, i didn't understand at first before he spoke.

"Are you okay ?! Your crying ?!" He said wishpering to not wake up is mother.

"I had a nightmare..." I respond wiping the tears in my eyes.

"You can sleep here if it make you feel better." He responnd with a soft and calming voice.

"You let me...?..." 

"Of course."


I lay down next to him and he make me come closer to him so we could cuddle. I smile as he pet my head to calm me down.

"Good night" He say.

"Good night" I respond half asleep.

This is the end of this chapter of how Harlequin and Helbram meet in my AU i giess ! I hope you like it and sorry for the bad english. Hope you enjoy ! Words : 1151

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now