Trauma that will always stay

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TW : mention of abuse, mention of rape, mention SH (self-harm), mention attemp murder, mention of murder

Harlequin P.O.V

"Hun dinner is ready !"

I heard Helbram said. I smile and went to the dinning room were Helbram was waiting or me. It was calm and the dinner looked delicious. I sit next to Helbram and start eating the food. I then stop for a moment and look back at Helbram again. Everything start to feel different for a reason I couldn't explain, it feel like I was in my child self again. It feel nice but very unconfortable at the same time it was very weird. I snap out of it when I feel someone huging me and calling my name. I see that it was Helbram and he ask me if everything was alright, of course I said yes and that I had just zone out, he still looked worried but didn't say anything about it.

After eating I went in mine and Helbram room to go to sleep, I already had my pyjama I was just waiting for Helbram so we could cuddle. He come some minutes later out of the closet with his pyjama on and went to lay to bed next to me. He then clinge to me and rest his head on my shoulder. I smile at it and kiss his forhead.

"Good night my love."

"Good night sleepy head." 

After that I close my eyes and was ready to sleep peacefully, atleast I though it would be peacefully. I didn't though that I would remember those....

I was in a empty dark room. It was strange cause the floor feels like walking on water.

I look in front of me and see a white door, it was also very bright like it has also a birght white light that was coming from it. It hurted my eyes but I could still approche the door and I open it. 

I end up in my old room of when I was a kid. It had been a long while since I come in my parents house, I really should come visit but I was scared that they will be here...                                                  I didn't wanted to see them neither did my little sister Elaine want to see them. They never apologies for the thing they did and said that it was only 'small punishement' and that we were being 'too dramatic'. I hated them with a burning passion but I felt bad at the same time. Yes they had hurt me but they were still a part of my family it's bad to hate your family now ?

I look at my bed and see that little me was asleep. I get closer to him looking at it to try to know what day it was, since for everyday in my past I had a pyjama for a day and I always change so I could remember what day we were. It was annoying but atleast I always remember the day we were. So I look at my pyjama and see that it was a pink shirt with a dark blue short. I could see the bruises on my arms and legs, I had some on my face too but it look like most of them were healed. I remember that day now, judging at my size I was betwen 3 and 4 years old. 

Knowing what day it will be I start to panick. I look at my younger self and he had is eyes open looking quite scared. I see that I was looking at the door and I could see a dark shadow in front of the door and my younger self being unconfortable. I could feel my eyes watering at this. I remember this exact day I have nightmare of it every single night. I see the dark shadow approching to reavel my uncle, he was now in front of my old bed were my younger self was. 

"Why are you awake ?" 

Ask my younger self, I was so naive at that time that's one of the reason that I hate my younger self I was so fucking naive and would belive everything that people told me even when I know that it wasn't true I would still belive them. I was also so easy to manipulate everyone treat me like their fucking puppet and I only discover that like some months ago and I hated it...

"Unlce cannot sleep alone, do you mind if I sleep with you~?" 

I could see the grin on his face and I try to look away but something wasn't letting me and was forcing me to watch it I hated it I wanted this to stop. I didn't wanted to see this again please not again....

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now