A girl, my girl

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MTF King AU + Female Helbram



"Harlequin are you alright ?" Helbram asked as she approach Harlequin that was in front of the mirror, naked. "You look...sad..?" They said as she grab Harlequin's hand gently. They pull them closer to herself and hug them tightly, she could feel Harlequin hot tears going down to their chest, she got more worried about it. 

"Helbram...I...I wanna be a girl..." They said, hiding in her chest. Helbram looked a little surprise but soon enough smiled at Harlequin.  She gently stroke their hair to calm them down.

"Hey don't cry, it's okay, You don't chose after all, I support you Harlequin.." Helbram said as she continue to stroke their hair to bring them comfort as they continue to cry in their shoulder. She didn't mind though, she prefer that they cry in their shoulder then that they keep it to themselves. She was glad that he opened up to them too. 

Harlequin continue to cry softly, as they thanks Helbram for accepting them, Helbram smiled softly and start to stroke their back to calm them down, which worked, well at least it worked a little bit. After some minutes, they finally calmed down and look at Helbram in the eyes.

"Do you want me to help you try some of my cloths ?" She asked, they nodded and Helbram blush slightly.

<<Cute...>> They thought, she grab Harlequin's hand in theirs and they both head out to Helbram closet to try some of her cloths. Harlequin smiled softly as he see a dark emeraud short with a white t-short with short sleeves, Helbram smiled softly and hand it to them.

"Go ahead, try it out honey." She said with a smile, Harlequin smiled wider and start to take of their cloths to change. Helbram turn around to give them some privacy the time they changed.

"I love it !" They said as they giggle to themselves, Helbram turn around and admire their lover body. They could see all the scars on their body but they didn't mind about that. She approach them and pull them closer to herself.

"Feeling more comfortable ?" Helbram asked, they nodded. "So, I have a girlfriend ?" She asked, they nodded and quickly hide in their chest.

"I still wanna go by they/them tho...is it okay...?" They asked, Helbram giggle slightly and stroke his hair affectionally.

"Of course, your pronouns don't determine your gender after all." She said, Harlequin smiled and hug her tighter. "Do you wanna change your name or no ?" She asked, Harlequin shook his name. 

"Nah..I wanna keep mine." They said with a soft smile, Helbram nodded and continue to stroke Harlequin hair gently.

"Alright then, my girl.."  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now