I will never let you drown

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TW : depression, SH (self-harm), bullying, SA (sexual assault), abuse, drugs, throwing up, ED (eating disorder)?

FemKing/Harlequin = Harley/Queen, school AU

3rd P.O.V

She wasn't like that before, she was always happy, laughing and smiling, what make her change so much ?

She was a bright child with good grades and light in her eyes, a good futur for sur, always making other smile, laugh, she was very talkative and energetic, always here for the other when needed, what make all of that change ? 

Why did she start to isolate herself in her room ? Why did she start to fear that people touch her ? Why did she start to ghost people ? Why does she cry herself to sleep ? Why is she so afraid that people yell at her ? Why doesn't she smile, laugh anymore ? Why does she wear long sleeves even in summer ? Why does she always have bruises on her body ?

When did everything change ? 

Nobody had notice, her friends that she loves become toxic and always leave her behind, they even make fun of her for 'fun', the person that she called a 'boyfriend' cheat on her with her best friend, nobody had notice the teen behavior, atleast she though, one boy had notice her odd behavior but was to afraid to ask her what was wrong, they weren't really friends, he always used to bully her when they were kids and he doesn't think that she want to see him anywais.

But the girl start to get worse, the long sleeves also become long pants and some thing to cover her neck, some bruises become big injuries, her eyes were always puffy and had black holes under, she pratically lost the sparkle in her eyes now, she start to lose more weigh then she usually lose.

But like always only the boy notice, the teacher didn't care, her parents keep saying that they don't know anything when they clearly do, nobody wanted to help her now, it was to much for the boy, he was going to try to talk to her today.

He look for her everywhere in the school, he find her on the rooftop and had a bad feeling seeing how close of the edge she was. He approche her little by little and sit next to her, when she notice him she didn't even react, she just star at him like she was staring at his soul, he star to fear the girl but right know that wasn't important.

"If you want to push me of the edge go ahead I don't care." 

What ? She really said what he hear...? She really want to...die...? 


The boy look at the girl with sadness, fear and pity, he couldn't hold himself and hug her, the girl look suprised and look at the boy, tears start to roll down her pale checks and her amber eyes. She was completly crying and hug the boy back, it was a long time since she last had a hug, the boy could tell it.

The boy stay with the girl for a long time, they start to talk a bit, not about her problems but more to know eachother, he didn't understand how could he bully such a beautiful and kind hearted girl, guess he was a real asshole.

They stay on the rooftop looking at the sky, but the boy couldn't leave his eyes off the girl, she was so beautiful and kind, the girl didn't even realise that the boy was staring at her, she only notice when she look at him.

They didn't care about school right know they just wanted to be here for eachother, they echange phone numbers and continue to talk a bit, the boy knew she wasn't ready to talk about what was going on so he just let her take her time.

But everything have a end and it was almost time for them to go back home, another night for the girl knowing what will happen to her, another night for her to cry herself to sleep, to make her little siblings sleep.

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now