Living Hell

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Warning this chapter as sensitive topic such as : Sefl harm, suisidal thought, suicidal attemps, abuse and rape. If you are trigger with those things please leave !

This take place before Harlequin and Helbram get together.

3rd P.O.V

Harlequin had wake up from an horrible nightmare, he was tired and barely sleep this night. He look at himself in the mirror of his bathroom.

He look like shit.

He was living with his father and step mother. And it was a living hell. His parent only see Elaine, they are praticully never there. He had to take care of his sister alone. He had lost his big sister not that long ago. He couldn't stop thiking that it was is fault. He had no one to talk to his problem cause if he talk to anyone about what his parent do to him, those person will die and he don't want that so he keep everything to himself. He had let his hair grow a bit so he decide to tie up his hair in a ponytail. He had meet Helbram not that long ago, they knew eachother for almost 3 months now. Harlequin and Gerhard had a good friendship. 

Even thot Gerhard see him as a son.

Harlequin was still in the bathroom looking at his reflection.

Useless child !

You can't even protect the people you care about ? Tha't pathetic !

You do pity !

Just go die alredy !

You should never have been born !

Your just wasting air !

That's why your friends die !

It's all your fault !




They didn't wanted to stop, and they weren't going to stop until he did the 'right thing'.

He grab chastifol and turn it into a spear. he rolled up his sleeve and led the blade to his cold skin. He didn't shake or anything, he just wanted to feel something, just to feel alive. He wasn't scared that someone find out. He didn't care about anything. He had made his first cut. But he didn't stop here. He did it again and again and again. Until he was finish with his left arms, so he repate the same thing in his right arm. He didn't know how much time he passed in the bathroom. He heard his sister scream his name.

"Oni-san ! Diner is ready !"

"I'm coming.."

He hide his cut with a sweat with long sleeve and go to the dining room, as he thought his parent weren't there and they were only him and his sister in the house. To be honest he didn't really care that his 'parent' weren't there. H didn't care about them anywais. He sit in front of his sister and start to eat his food. And then a thought come to his mind.

"Nee-san, have you seen Fuku ?"

"I think she's in mommy and daddy room. Why ?"

"I wanted to play with her after."

"Could you please come with me outside ? I made a new friend yesterday and I promise him that we will play together."

"Of course ! I have nothing to do."

"Thank you oni-san !"

Harelquin love to see his sister happy. She was only 4 years old, and he was 304 years old. But he find that for a 4 years old she was pretty smart. -She probably got that from auntie- He thought to himself everytime he think about it. 

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now