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Modern/Human AU

FemKing and FemHelbram


FemKing x FemHelbram

If you don't like any of the ship please leave !

TW: SH (self-harm), suicide attempt, bullying, throwing up

Harley P.O.V

Today was another day of school, I was kind of exited, new school meant new life after all ! And new life mean maybe finally a good life ! I went down the stairs exited, I was always exited to go to school. We learn so many new things ! And today was my first day in 6th grade ! I felt like a big girl honestly. Maybe I could even make new friends ? Who knows !

I sat down on the table and wait for my mother to give me my food, she smile at me sweetly like she usually do and give me my breakfast.

"It didn't took you so long to go down the stairs, hurry up to eat your breakfast so you can quickly change into your uniform my dear." She said as she leave the kitchen and leave me alone, our house wasn't this big, it was the perfect size for two child, a father and a mother. We even have a dog ! His name as Oslo I'm the one that chose him 2 years ago. He was my favorite pets out of all the pets I have seen. Plus he is so fluffy and cute !

ANYWAYS I finish as quickly as possible my breakfast and went to the bathroom to take a shower, thanks god my mom had already prepare my uniform in the bathroom. She know how messy I am when it's the first day of school, she does that for the first week and after it's me who has to do everything (prepare my cloths, my stuff for school ect) thanks god that she always help me ! I wouldn't want to go to detention at my first day of middle school !

I quickly shower and and put on my uniform. I then went out of the bathroom and look at the time. 7AM. Thanks god I still have time to see if I have everything and just have time for myself and my friends too ! I went to my backpack and look inside, I had everything already. I was still fucking exited about school. I never had any problem and I don't think that'll change...right ?

I look at my phone and look at the time every two seconds, I was hella scared to be late for school. My dad see how stressed I was and he sit next to me with a smile on his face.

"If you look at the time every two seconds you'll feel like time don't pass, be patient dear don't worry you'll be in school on time !" I look at my father unsure if what he was saying was true or not, I felt like he was only saying that to reassure me so I just continue to look at my phone as he keep talking to me, my mother arrive after not that long and sit next to my father before hugging him by behind. My father stop talking and hug my mother back.

"Ew." I said in a teasing tone, both my parents look at me and laugh.

"Just wait when you'll find a boyfriend, or a girlfriend." My mom said teasing and my dad nodded.

"As if anyone would want me." I respond still looking at the time. 7:20AM I will soon go to school. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I see that it was my mom.

"Dear we already talked about that didn't we ?" she ask me, I look down at the floor not even wanting to look at my phone. I didn't wanted to look at her neither knowing I was going to regret what I was going to say I just kept quiet. She look at me with a serious and worried look. "Hun please tell us, why you always bring yourself down like that ?" 

I still didn't look at her and look at my phone again, 7:25AM I was going to go in 10 minutes, I get up from the sofa and went to put on my shoes, my mother was still trying to talk to me and ask me if everything was alright. Why did I had to be like that ? What's wrong with me like really what's wrong with me ? What did I do to be like this ? Can't I change ?

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now