Sleepy date

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FemHelbram AU (In this AU Helbram name stay Helbram and doesn't go to Helen) genderfluid King

Just some Harlebram fluff

Elaine here is 10 and King and Helbram are 310 yo. 

Harlequin P.O.V

I wake upon my bed in the sacred tree, Helbram wasn't next to me guess she wake up before me again, I went to the closet to change my cloth. Damn there really wasn't much cloths that I have ! I just went for a black hoodie and some red jeans. I went out of the 'room' and see that Helbram wasn't that far, she was wearing her usual cloths and had her hair in a bun. I blush a little as I get closer to her and hug her by behind. It's only now that she notice that I was in the 'room'. 

She hug me back and pull me in front of her, she kiss my forehead softly and she smile at me. 

"Morning shorty." She said as she put her arms around my waist. I smile back at her as I hide my face in her neck, she wasn't that much tall from me so she didn't really have any reasons to call me shorty but honestly I'm so use to her calling me that that I start to like that nickname. I pull her closer to me and I smile as I nuzzle in her neck. She just chuckle and stroke my hair a little. "Why you gotta be so cute ?" She said between giggle. I smile gently at her again.

"You really love to make me flustered don't you ?" I said with a little giggle as my cheeks were really pink, she nod as she kiss my forehead. 

"I guess I do." She said, her cheeks were also pink, she was flustered too I could tell. I look at what she was doing before I come and I smile, she was making some food at least there was some food on a table in the sacred tree. I take a little berry that was on the table and put it in front of her mouth with a slight smile. "Here for you !" I said with another smile. She look at me for a moment before she eat the berry. I know that she lick my fingers in the way on purpose just to make me blush. She would always do that but it always make me embarrassed.

"Is something wrong cutie~?" She ask me in a teasing tone. I look away a moment blushing before I feel something on my left cheek, I look at what it was and I see that it was her giving me a berry. I give her a slight smile and I eat the berry doing the same thing she did to me. Her cheeks become more pink as she chuckle. "Got your revenge ?" She said pulling me closer. I nod and nuzzle into her neck again. Her neck was so warm I just love to do that. "You wanna go out or you want to stay here again ?" Ask me Helbram, I sigh a little and answer her question.

"I won't mind going in a little date Helbram." I said to her with a smile, she smile back and kiss my pink cheek. I cling to her with a bigger smile on my face, I was so glad that we could be together even if it's not all the time. I still have my duty as the fairy king after all never forget that ! I look at Helbram in the eyes for a moment before going out of her arms and directly going 'outside' the sacred tree and went to where the fountain of youth was. I see that Elaine was already there and I smile at her going toward where she was sitting.

When she saw me she hug me tightly.

"You're here ! I though you would never come !" She said as she jump in my arms, I smile at her as I hug her back, Elaine was the only one that knew about my relationship with Helbram and honestly It was fine for me that she was the only that knew. I told her that I had a date with Helbram and that I wanted to tell her a little goodbye cause it was going to last the whole day. Her smile fade away from her face and she look at me with teary eyes. 

"H-hey what's wrong ?!" I ask as I kneel to her. She hug me tightly and start to cry on my shoulder. I pat her head and ask her again what was wrong.

 "Y-you're gonna come back after r-right..?" She said with such a sweet and cute voice that made my heart melt. I giggle and pat her head again with a little smile on my face.

"I will Elaine I promise, I'll see you tonight !" I was about to go but I turn around to look at her one last time. "Oslo and Fuku are the one that are going to take care of you !" I say to her, her face light up and her sad face become a happy one with her bright smile that I completely loved. I then leave her alone on the top of the scared tree. I knew those two will take good care of her.

I see that Helbram wasn't that far from the sacred tree so I join him there. I knew that our date will be at the same place as usual, at the second biggest tree of the forest. Helbram and I then directly went there not wanting to wait any longer to go in our date even if it didn't looked like a date for other but for us it was. And honestly that's all that matter.

We both sat next to each other and to tease me a little she put me on her lap. I blush a little but slowly calm down little by little. I lie my head down on her chest and close my eyes, she giggle as she start to stroke my hair.

"Sleepy much uh ?" She said in a teasing tone, I nod a little and open my eyes slightly.

"But I don't want to fall asleep on our date..." I say looking away a bit embarrassed and a little ashamed too honestly. She caress my cheek softly and smile at me, a cute one. 

"It's totally fine to fall asleep, alright ? Yesterday was a very tiring day for you I know it, so please take some time for yourself dear." She told me as she kiss my forehead. I smile to her as I lie down on her chest and cry softly. 

"Why you're so kind with me ?" I ask with still teary eyes.

"Because I love you." She respond as she trap me in a kiss on the lips. I didn't fight back nor anything I just let her kiss me. She caress my cheek while kissing me before we pull away after some minutes. She then lie me down on her chest again. "Now sleep darling." She said as she continue to stroke my hair. I close my eyes slowly and let myself fall asleep.

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now