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Harlequin P.O.V

I was alone with Helbram sitting next to me on the bed, we were cuddling so I could sleep but I still couldn't and that annoye me a lot. Helbram see it and put me on his laps, that calm me down a bit and I cling on his chest.

"Harlequin calm down please you look like a child right now." Said my lover. 

"I'm not a child !" I yell at him still clinging to his chest. "Your the one who's more acting childish !" 

"Not true..." Said Helbram looking away. He didn't look away for a long time, he face me and I could see that he had an idea. "Do you wanna go for a night walk ? Maybe watching the stars will help you sleep." (fun fact, when I used to go to my big sister house, before we go to sleep we use to wacth the stars) 

"That's a good idea !" I said, we both get of the bed and he take my hand, I blush a bit at the action and that made him laugh a bit, we then leave the room and go outside to watch the stars. The stars were really beautiful tonight, we both sat in front of a tree and watch them.

"Do you like it ?" Ask Helbram playing with my hair, I was sitting betwen his legs cause he wanted me to and I didn't really mind it. I nodded as his question and he smile. "That's good to know, maybe we could do that often what do you think ?" 

"I would love too !" He stop playing with my hair and pull me in a hug, he then kiss my forhead and giggle.

"I swear your adorable." He said with a smile, I become a blushing mess and try to look away from him, but I fail because in the same time I didn't wanted to look away. I didn't look at him in the eyes too I was a bit mad at him, he just love too much to tease me and that annoye me a bit. "Sorry love please forgive me." He said huging me tighter I giggle a bit before kissing his check.

"Fine but don't tease me anymore or your sleeping on the floor and that's a promise understand ?" I said looking straight at him, he nodded and we then go back to watch the starts.

"Harlequin ?" 

"Yes Hely ?" 

"It may be very umm... suprising but have you ever though about... having a kid ?" Ask Helbram blushing, I look at him with a smile on my face.

"I did though about it." I said. "But I'm scared to be a bad parent to them... I don't want to become like my step mother or my father at all..." I look away  while Helbram just pull in another hug, he start to rub circle one my back to calm me down, just to talk about what they did to me disgust me and make me just want to disappeard.   

"I'm sur you won't be like them dear." Said Helbram kissing my forhead. "You will be the best parent I am sur of it." I look at him and smile.

"Thank you Helbram." I kiss him on the lips and he kiss me back, we start to cuddle again until I finally fall asleep in his arms.

The next day I wake up in my bed, Helbram wasn't next to me and that kinda worried me but not to much to, I know he always wake up first. I take 5 minutes to go out of bed, I really wanted to continue to sleep but I couldn't fall back asleep after I wake up. So I just want to the kitchen to see my lover trying to make me some breakfast, since we start dating he didn't wanted me to do everything and start to try to help me with chore. I smile and hug him by behind. 

"Hello darling." I heard him say putting his free hand on my head to play a bit with my hair. "Did you sleep well ?"

"Yeah better then yesterday." I said still sleepy, he laugh a bit before taking away his hand from my head. 

"Breakfast is almost ready." He said turning to look at me and smile. "Go sit at the table I'm coming soon with the food." I did as I was told and go sit at the table. It didn't take long before he come with breakfast. 

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now