I keep my promise part 2 of not everyone have a happy ending

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mention/hint of pedophilia, 13+? bullying ? mention of suicide, mention of SH (self-harm)

??? P.O.V

"My dear please come here !" I heard my mom yell at me, today I was going to my new school and I was exited, I just hope it won't be bad. I leave my room and go down the stairs to see my mom, dad and little sister already having breakfast/

"Did you sleep well dear ?" Said my father looking at me.

"I did thank you dad !" I said sitting with them.

"Hewo bubba !" Said my little sister, I was now 13 years lod and she was 2 years old, I love her very much and I'm a bit overprotective with her.

"Hello Iris ! How are you ?" I said trying to start a conversation with my little sister.

"I'm fine ! And chou ?" 

"I'm fine too." I said smiling at her, my mother come to me and gave me my breakfast.

"You shoukd hurry up dear, you still have to take your shower." Say my mother while she help my little sister eat her food. "You don't want to be late for your first day do you ?" 

"Of course not mama !" I say starting to eat my breakfast. 

I finish as fast as I could and I want to the bathroom to take a shower, after the shower I put on my school uniform and want to my room to take my schoolbag, when I take it I want down the stairs and put on my shoes, after I did so I wait for my mother.

"You were fast dear." Say my mother suprise.

"Of course I was ! I don't want to be late !" I say huging my mother.

We then leave the house and want to her car, I was exited and worried at the same time, what if no one like me ? I don't mind having no friends but I don't wanna get bullied ! We arrive at my mother car, I sit in front next to my mother and we start to drive to my new school. She look at me some time and see that I was stress and exited at the same time.

"Everything will be alright dear don't worry." Say my mother with a smile.

We were almost at school and I had start a conversation with my mother about school. I was still stress but not as much then before. They're was a lot of people trying to annoye my mother because 'girls couldn't drive !' an a lot of thing like that and my mother just glare at them, I'm sur if she could kill them she would. 

We were finally at school, my mom and I want out of the car and want in front of the school to see in wich class I was, I was stress I didn't knew anyone in my class and that scare me a lot, my mother give me a hug and kiss my forhead. 

"Have a good day at school dear." Said my mother before leaving me in front of my school.

-Come on it won't be that bad.- I though to myself.

I enter the school and I see that a lot of people were already there, I want find the principal office but I didn't find it, so I take a deep breath and want to the first person I see.

I look around and see a person with short green hair, pointy ears and fairy wings on their back, for some reason I feel like I knew them but in the same time I didn't knew them it was weird. I approche him slowly and tap a bit his shoulder.

"Excuse me..." I ask.

"How can I-" He stop and froze when he see me, does he have that strange feeling too ? He stop looking at me and start to take deep breath before speaking again. "How can I help you ?" 

"I'm new here and I need to find the principal office could you help me...?"

"Of course follow me." He said taking my hand, that made me blush but I didn't understand why did he take my hand like that. 

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