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Harlequin P.O.V

It's been 26 years that we know eachother and i start to have feelings for him i think that what my mother called 'Love' ? I don't know how to tel him and if he will fill the same ! What if he doesn't like me back ? What if that break your friendship ? What if he does to break my heart ? I have to many thoughts right now that i can't focuse on what he told me. I continue to think for a moment.

"quin ! Harlequin !"

"HaAa ! W-what ?"

"Are you listening to me ?"

"S-sorry i zound out..."

"So as i was saying Gerhard..."

It was hard to focuse on what he was telling me to be honest. I was lost in my thoughts of if i should tell him or not. Will he accept me ? I don't know and i'm scared ! 

"Harlequin could you meet me in front of the sacred tree tomorow ?" He asked me. That was the only thing i heard from he's all conversation.

"O-of course !"


I saw him blushing a bit before leaving me here. I fly as fast as i can to my house and enter. Elaine was here with Gerhard, they were talking about something before they notice me.

"Hello oni-san !" Said Elaine exited.

"Hello king Harlequin." Said Gerhard with a serious ton.

"Is there something wrong ?"

"No why ?"

"Okay ?"

I start flying to my room and lock the door at key, i lay on my bed, all red, thinking about what Helbram could tell me. Maybe he will confesse to me ? Or... This thought make me stop blushing and look sad. Maybe he will tell me that your friendship is over !? Or that he is in a relation and want me to meet them !? O-or he will tell me that he was only using me like the other and will left me ?! Or maybe he will talk about humain again....They where to many thoughts in my head that i didn't even hear someone knoking at my door. 

"Brother ! Dinner is ready !"

"Coming !"

I didn't realise that i was crying, i only realise when i see that my bed was wet and so where my pillows. I wihpe the tears from my eyes, jump on my chastifol and want to the dinning room where i see someone else, i never saw that fairy before, i meen i don't know  everyone in the forest but Gerhard told me praticuly all the people in the forest. I see my sister smiling and tell something to the other fairy, she turn to look at me and...blush ?!

"Brother this is Amanda !" She said with a smirke will pointing at the other girl who was still looking at me will blushing.

"Hello ! You may be king Harlequin ! My name is Amanda like your sister said. I hope we can become friend." She said, even so i know she wanted us to be more than that.

"Of course we can be friend ! Just because i don't want to break your heart. If your blushing at me than i'm sorry to break this to you but i alredy like someone else." I said without wasting a seconde.

The smile on her face disapperd i could see her become sad, but after a moment she smile at me again. Even so i could tell it was a sad one.

"It's okay, don't worry. I don't mind us being just friend."

"Thank tou for understanding me." I said as a sat down on the chair next to my sister. We talk a lot and i told them about my crush on Helbram and that we will meet tomorow. They both accept me and help me with what to wear for tomorow. It was alredy night and i coulnd't sleep i was to exited to meet Helbram tomorow. But after some minutes i finally fall asleep thiking about what he could tell me.

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now