How can we be together ?

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Explanation of this AU : In this AU Helbram and King are at the place of Meliodas and Elizabeth,

Helbram = Meliodas

King = Elizabeth

They are both fairys but live in separate kingdom who hate eachother, one fairy kingdom is to make peace and the other for war, but the two little boys meet eachother by accident while they both run away from their kingdom to see a humain village, (in this AU King will have wings) and they both start to see eachother more often. That's the explaination of the AU I hope that you guys will like this little one shot !

3rd P.O.V

Today was a good day for the futur fairy king in the kingdom of peace, he was going to go out a little of his kingdom without his parents knowing so he can finally see how humains live, his parents always told him that humains could be kind but very dangerous at the same time that's why they didn't wanted him to go see them so he learn more about humains in books and all that stuff but today he was determined to see humains with his own eyes, to be able to talk to them, to be able to help them if needed he was ready to do that.

In the war kingdom a little boy with green hair was sneaking out of his house and was also trying to go see the humain village that was next to his kingdom, his parents always said that humains were monsters and that if he see one he needed to either run either kill him. But the little boy didn't wanted to kill humains, in fact he loved humains very much and was very interested by them since his parents talk to him about them. Se he decide to try to socialize with humains for the first time, he never saw one even in books his parents didn't let him have to much free time cause he needed to train and that annoye him so much. 

Both little boys decide to sneak out of their kingdom and go to the same humains village without even noticing, they both saw eachother in the way and the green haried fairy decide to be the one who will talk first. 

"Hello ! What's your name ?" 

The other boy stay silent for a moment before answering.

"I-I'm Harlequin...What a-about you..?" 

"I'm Helbram nice to meet you Harlequin !"

The boy with caramel hair look away of the other boy beofre looking at his back.

"You are f-from the other kingdom..?"

He look surprise at the question before he realise that the boy with caramel hair also have fairy wings, but that he never see him in the kingdom.

"Yeah I am...Can we still be friend though..? You'll be my first friend !" 

The boy look at him chock, it was the first time someone wanted to be his friend, the other always push him away because he liked books too much and couldn't stop talking about humains and how much he dream to meet one. And for the first time someone wanted to be his friend ? Could he really said no at this ?

"S-sure we can !" 

"Yay !" 

Harlequin P.O.V

Helbram fly toward me and hug me, I hug him back and start to smile.

"I'm just curious what are you doing out of your kingdom ?" 

He look away not wanting to respond, I smile and I start to have light in my eyes.

"Are you here to see the humain village too ??" 

I ask very exited, he look at me surprise and with a big smile on his face.

"You too !?"

He said exited, I smile at him and say "yes !" He smile at me and as we go to the humain village we both share what we would found interesting about the humain, it as nice to finally have someone to talk to what I like. It didn't take very long until we arrive, it was so big ! They had little house that I see in the book I read, it was so cool ! We go around the village flying but we didn't see a lot of villager at first, we saw them at the center of the village, they were doing a contest ? It was kinda weird but we approche to see what they were doing, when they notice us they smile at us and show us around the village, they were so nice it was so cool ! They even give us what they call gifts, Helbram had got an helmet and I had got some books to learn more about their story ! It was so cool but we had to leave after a while, we told them that we will try to come back tomorrow and give them gifts too and we went out of the village. 

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now