Not everyone have a happy ending

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TW : SH (self-harm), r*pe, suicide, bullying, suicide baiting, abuse if your unconfortable with those kind of topic please leave. (one of my school AU)

Harlequin P.O.V

I was on my bed crying all my tears out. My father just yell at me instead of helping me when for letting one of my teacher touching me, he yell at me for being a coward and day that it was my fault that he touch me cause if I didn't wanted it I should just have fight back.

I was tired of everything, school was a living hell and I don't even have a place that I can call a home, I had a boyfriend named Noah but he left me after a toxic relation with him, I just want to fell love, why does nobody love me ? I do have a best friend but it's been like 2 years since I last see him, we were only 11 when we had to left eachother because he had to move out, I had feelings for him and I finally had tell him but we had to be away from eachother.

My father clrearly told me that I will nver see him again. You might think, 'but if you were dating someone else why did you date Noah ?' Because it was a forced relation that my father did to have money for his 'perfect daughter'.

I could hear my mother scream at my father from my room, I couldn't do anything about it, he was to strong for me and I knew it. I couldn't even protect my mother from him and my little sister was starting to be like him. I was scared about it, very scared.

I suddenly heard a gun shoot and after silent, it didn't take long for me to understand he had kill my mother, I continue to cry like the pathetic son that I was. I really couldn't protect the only person that love me. I used to be in a group but after some rumours they kick me out and start to be appart of the bullying.

When I open my eyes, I look at the time and see 6AM, did I cry myself to sleep ? Guess I just did. I get off my bed and want to my cupboard to take the blade, I sigh to see that it was still here, I take it and put the blade on my skin, one cut, it wasn't too deep so it would be easy to hide but at this point I could literally go to school showing mu cuts nobody would care.

I made exactly 42 cuts on both of my arms, and I did 10 on my hips, I just then go take a shower knowing it will hurt with my fresh cuts but I didn't even care to feel pain anymore, it was like I was already dead at this point, I was just a doll, an object for them. 

After the shower I put on my school uniforme and want to school, I didn't even bother to make me some food and eat since I needed to lose weight like my father keep telling me. And even if I eat or not it doesn't change a lot. 

I was in front of the school, I didn't wanted to enter, I knew what was going to happen if I enter in this thing, I take a deep breath and get inside, nobody was here, I check the time and see that I was late to my first class. I decide to run to my class, when I reach it, I knock at the door and the teacher open.

"Your late young man." The teacher say, a smile then appaerd on his face. "You will see me after class then~" I knew what that mean ant I feel like I was going to trow up. I want to my sit and everyone was laughing at me cause one of my bully make me fall on the floor and my nose was bleeding, I couldn't do anything and just let them take pictures and laugh at my face. I get up and want to my sit at the back of the class, I didn't bother to follow the class and just try to think about something else.

"Class over, you all can go but not Harlequin, Harlequin come here." Say the teacher blushing and with a smile on his face, I didn't even realise the class was over. Everyone was leaving but I couldn't, I get closer to the teacher and he just get into my personal space and start to take off my cloth and his. "We are going to have so much fun~" He said before doing his thing to me.

After this I was crying at the back o the class while the teacher put back his cloth and look at me one last time with a smile like he didn't even care that I was crying.

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now