Secret admireur

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TW:  mention attemp suicide, SH (self-harm), bullying, abuse ? cyber bullying

Moderne/School/Humain AU, Secret admireur Helbram x King/Harlequin

King/Harlequin P.O.V

I sigh as I get up from bed, I really didn't wanted to go to school I hated that place with a burning passion. It's not even the school in general that is tiring me it's the students and the teachers, all they know to do is to make fun of me and let me down. I still don't understand how I was able to make myself a little group of friends...sometime I wonder if they aren't manipulating me...
There is only one person that I know truly love's my admireur...I never though I would have one and when I found the letter in my locker I was so shocked...but I was so happy to see that not everyone hated me for reasons I didn't even know myself.

I loved his letters and his poems even more, I always keep them in my room like that when I'm feeling down I read them and they sheer me up so much...I smile just thinking that it mean I'll probably have a new letter in my locker, that must be the only thing I'm exited about honestly. 
I take a deep breath and go to my closet grabbing bandages, why ? Because I had done... something last night, just play fruit ninja on my arms not that bad, right ? Well apparently it was cause it has bleed all night, how the fuck did it not kill me ?! The world is really against me.

I sigh and went to my room going to put on my uniform. I don't want to go but atleast I'll be able to be with my friends and have one more letter from them...and that must be the only thing that make me want to live that's all...anyways that's not what's important anyways, right now what is important is to go to school, I take my lunch and leave my house, I never take breakfast those times I only eat lunch and yet only two times every 2/3 weeks, I know it wasn't much but I didn't really care anyways. I look at the time on my phone and see that it was already 7AM I was going to be late again and I knew it...I'm always late those no one would be shocked.

When I finally arrived I see that everyone was looking at me with a judging look on their face, that start to stress me so much, I feel the anxiety grow stronger and stronger as more eyes start to be set on me. I was feeling very unconfortable and felt like I had done something wrong. After what felt like an eternity I finally reach my locker and open it, when I open it I see that there was indeed a new letter in it. I smile at the letter while blushing a little. I put the letter in my schoolbag with a big smile on my face and took my books for my classes. 

I then look around the school to find my friends, it took me something like 20 minutes before finally finding them, I was about to go said "hello" to them when someone stop me in the hallway. He had green hair and orange eyes, he looked a little feminine and he look deep into my eyes but not in a judging way more in a kind of friendly way. I smile at him and he smile at me back, he didn't looked like he was going to hurt me but it's not because of that that I will trust him easily. People can still act after all. 

"Um...hello...?" I ask him a shily and confuse, he just continue to look at me before speaking. "Hi, you're Harlequin right ?" He ask me, I was absolutely shocked that he knew my name, in school I always refere myself as King and only my closest friends knew about my real name. "I'm Helbram by the way." He said holding out his hand for me to shake it. I shake his hand and look away for a moment feeling a bit akward. "Nice to meet you Helbram...I guess you already know my name ahah..." I laugh a little embarassed about it. He chukkle too and wave at me saying that he would probably see me again. 

I then went to my friends that had only see now that I was there. They smile to me and ask me if I was alright. I told them that everything was fine and that we should probably leave now for classes. They nodded and we all went to our classes. It was very calm for the first time in a while it was almost strange that it was so calm, but I try not to pay much attention to it. I was now in my science class waiting for the teacher to come. I see that the boy who knew my name was in the same classes as me and he was sitting next to me too !

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now