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Today was the fairy king birthday and Helbram knew it, so he though of something. Maybe it was a good time to admit his feelings ? Elaine had already told him that Harlequin liked him but he didn't knew if it was true or not so why not see if it was or not ?

He went to the human village to ask one of his friend for advice, he wanted to buy him gift too like some chocolate that humans put in a little box in the shape of a heart. He never knew why they did that but he though that he could buy some for his best friend.

When he arrived at the village he directly see his friend approaching him.

"Hey how are you feeling ?" He asked, Helbram smiled at him, but he wasn't really there to spend time with him and he decided to went straight to the point.

"Hey, I need some advice could you help me please ?" He ask not wanting to waste any times. His friend though for a moment but nod soon enough.

Helbram then explain to him everything. His friend listen closely to everything not wanting to miss any details. When he finished he then give Helbram some advice on how he should confess and what he could buy as a gift for his best friend.

Helbram thanks him and decide to follow what his friend told him. First he went to buy what he needed, he brought a box of chocolate and a teddy bear. He decided that for the flower he would pick them up himself. He then went to the forest to pick up his best friend favorite flowers. White roses.

When he finished he went look at the sky, he still had quite a long time to get everything ready and that's when he went to Elaine so that she could help him. Elaine was already starting to prepare her sibling birthday so she didn't mind helping Helbram.

Gerhearde soon enough join to help too. The three of them wanted everything to be perfect, leading to some little arguments with each other at what flavor the cake should be, or who should give the presents first all that stuff. But in the end they all agree with something so it was quickly forgotten.

Everything was now ready, all they needed was for the fairy king to come. But since he had to inspect the whole forest it will take a while and the three of them know it. So they decide to make sure that everything was like they wanted.

The fairy king had just finished to inspect the whole forest after some long hours that felt like an eternity and he was now watching the clouds to calm himself down. He didn't wanted to move for the moment, wanting a little break from his work.

It was quite normal for him to stop some fairies fighting or follow Helbram to go to the humans village or even just stopping fairies to just leave the forest since it would be very dangerous for them.

It become natural for him.

He lay down on his chastifol and close his eyes, breathing deeply but slowly.

"I should head back now..." He whisper to himself sitting down on his chastifol. He then start his way to the sacred tree.

It took him a little while before arriving. It was almost night already and he was starting to get a little tired and wanted to go to sleep. But that's when he heard a sound that caught him off guard. He directly turn his chastifol into his spear form in case there was someone. 

He felt someone hugging him by the waist and kissing his cheek, when he was about to attack he could see some light coming from some dragonflies. He saw a birthday cake in the middle and Elaine and Gerhearde holding some presents.

"Happy birthday !" They yelled out with a smile. The fairy king turn around and saw that the person that had hug him was his best friend Helbram.

"Happy birthday Harl." He said while giving him the gifts he had buy him. Harlequin blush slightly and hide his face in his hands for them not to see that h was blushing, which fall since they had notice, they giggle and Helbram hold him closer to him with a smile.

"I love you..." He finally say, Harlequin was silent a moment before answering back.

"I love you too..." 

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now