You're mine

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TW : 13+ ?, suicidal though ? mention of SH ? (self-harm), mention/hint of abuse, soft Helbram ? (this is an AU not canon !!)

Harlequin/King P.O.V

I was sitting on a chair in the Board Hat, the members of the seven deadly sins had found me, well more Ban, Diane and captain that found me, and a princess that we have to help. I wasn't really in a good mood to be honest. I had a fight with my sister in the capital of death and to have her pardon I had to protect her little 'boyfriend', come on it's not like he needed my protection he is literally immortal what protection does he need ??? I'll never understand her, more that she care more about her boyfriend then her brother, couldn't blame her tho I still left for 700 years and 'abandon' her. And her boyfriend can't stop reminding me about it ! Like okay I understand I'm a terrible brother but that's not something to joke about just to piss me off !

And after when I make thise kind of joke like about his sister too I get 'punished' because that's not okay to talk about that like excuse me ??? I understand he is the captain best friend but it's not for that that he have to let him do what he want ! He can't joke about thing that trigger me that's not right ! Just thinking about it make me want to hit my head on the wall. I just sigh and went to the room I share with him locking the door behind me. I could see that the princess was worried, probably one of the only person with Diane that was worried about me. I see Diane looking at me threw the window so I decide to open it to be able to talk to her, maybe talking to her could calm me down a little ?

"Hey Diane !" 

"Hello King !"

I smile at her and she smile at me back, I loved her so much, I always had a crush on her, but not when she was a child of course I'm not a pedophile ! But I know that she doesn't love me and that she love the capitain. It is what is it right ? We start to talk for a while before I hear someone knocking on the door, I wave at Diane and close the window before I unlock the door. When I open the door I see that it was the little pig, if I remember his name was...Hawk ?

"Hawk right ?" 

"Yes ! Meliodas want to see everyone !" 

"Okay I'll be here soon." 

As I said that the little pig leave the room and went down the stairs, I close the door and sigh, I went to the window again and open it, Diane was still here and looked at me curious.

"Why did he enter ?"

"Meliodas want to see all of us." 

"Oh I wonder why ! I'm so exited and curious !!"

I see how much happy she was everytime I talk about the captain it was always like that, she was really in love with him I guess. I just smile to her and close the window as I left the room and went down the stairs. I could already hear the captain talking about something but I couldn't hear what he was saying. I was finally down the stairs and sit next to the princess Elizabeth. She look at me and notice that I was sad, she ask me if everything was okay.

"I'm fine princess Elizabeth, don't worry about me." 

I said as I smile to her, she was still worried but didn't askany more questions. We were trying to find the scared tresors now, we had heard that a tournament was organise at the village of Vaizel. I didn't wanted to participate because I knew that I didn't have any physical strengh but captain force me too. I don't care I won't participte, I was just going to go away when they will look at the peoples fight. Some hours pass and we were finally at Vaizel, we got out of the tavern and enter the village, of course they directly go to were the tournament was and go register. I really didn't wanted to but I didn't have a choice. I just let them and sigh, I was going to do what I said anyways.

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now