Helbram birthday special

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3rd P.O.V

Today was Helbram and his twin sister birthday, and is friend are going to do a big party for him. Harlequin was doing the outfit for everyone, Helbram mother was doing the cake, Gerhard help Elaine with the decoration and Helen, Helbram twin sister, is hanging out with Helbram. 

"Helen ?" Ask Helbram.

"Yes brother ?" 

"When are we going home ?"

"To be honest I don't know, all I know is that mother want us to hangout outside."

"Okay thank you ! Now... tag !" The boy said before running away from his sister. 

"Hey ! That's not fair !" The boy twin sister yell.

Meanwhile with the other. Harlequin alomst finish the outfit, Gerhard and Elaine had pratically finish the decoration and Helbram mother had finish the cake and come help the two girl with the decoration. 

10 minutes later, Harlequin finish all the outfit and come see where the other were. He see that everyone had finish and he call them to make them wear the outfit. Everyone was ready. The twin were going to come back soon so it won't take long, they close all window and turn off the light. Everything was ready.


3 hours later, the twin come back and the house was completly dark. They find it weird and open the light, and what they see chocke them.

"Happy Birthday you two !"

The two siblings couldn't belive there eyes. 

"Happy birthday love." Said a boy with caramel hair and go straight to Helbram to give him a kiss on the lips, he didn't take long for him to melt into it. They pull apart a bit after and the boy with caramel hair turn around to face his lover sibling. "Happy birthday to you to my dear friend." He said before huging her. She accepte the hug. 

"Come now you don't want eat your cake ?" Ask their mother in a happy ton.

They all sat down to eat the cake, it was a chocolat cake with some strawberry and cherry. They all take a piece of the cake and began to eat.

I'm sorry that it's short it just that I wanted to make something for Helbram birthday but I didn't really had any idea so sorry if it's bad, here is some picture of your birthday boy. Also Helen is just a oc that I made that's why you won't have any image of her, and I don't hown the picture ! 

 Also Helen is just a oc that I made that's why you won't have any image of her, and I don't hown the picture ! 

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(He is sad because he's going older and he don't want to grow up)

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(He is sad because he's going older and he don't want to grow up)

(He is sad because he's going older and he don't want to grow up)

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(happy that's it's his birthday to)

(happy that's it's his birthday to)

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Hope you enjoy this chapter Helbram birthday special and have a good day and take care of yourself not like I take care of myself !

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Hope you enjoy this chapter Helbram birthday special and have a good day and take care of yourself not like I take care of myself !

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now