Healing together

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TW : SH (self-harm), suicide attemps, 13+, SA (sexual assault) mention

3rd P.O.V

They were best friends for years now, they were always here for eachother and tell eachother everything, atleast that what both person though. They didn't know that both of them had secret that were kind of the same. 

Harlequin P.O.V

I was going to Helbram house, he has been acting strange latly, he was more happy then usuall, what's the problem with that ? I could see that it was forced and fake, and it had been like that for a while. I never talk to him about it because I was scared to trigger him or anything so I kept quiet but he is starting to pick up my habit and I didn't like it.

He is starting to hang out around me less often then normal, he try everything for us to not hang out when we hang out it's because his mother had force him. He is starting to wear more sweat when he clearly said that he hated wearing those thing and that he only wear it when it was winter cause it's the only thing that make him hot. 

I could see that he is starting to zoon out a lot more often then normal.And all of that start to worry me a lot so I decide to go see if he was okay, I knew he live not that far from my house but I was scared of what I could see if I enter so I walk slowly to his house with a lot of stress and worry. I just hope that he is okay...

I make it to Helbram house and take a deep breath, when I was about to knoc on the door I could see that it was open, I start to panick a bit that something happen and decide to enter, I was still scared of what I could find but I had to enter and see if he was okay I needed to know.

I enter the house and went to see were he could be, I check everywhere, the kitchen, the dinning room, the living room, the different bedroom and he wasn't anywhere, I though that he may have leave so I was about to when I hear someone in his closet.

Maybe he is changing ? But the sound look like someone who was in pain and that is crying because of it... I went to the closet and was about to enter when I could clearly smell blood. I start to panick fearing the worst and decide to enter slowly because I wasn't prepared at what I would actually see...

The door was now fully open, he was right in front of me, he hasn't notice me yet, he had a blade in his hand that he had put on his other arm, I could see red line on his arms, I couldn't help but to start to cry silently, is it my fault ? Did I do something wrong ? How couldn't I haven't notice...? I get closer to him sloly but I still got closer to him.


I ask, he look at me surprise and try to hide the blade but see by the look on my face that I already had see everything. I could feel him start to panick and just stop were I was. I wanted to go and hug him, I really wanted, but I was scared that I make him feel unconfortable and even more guilty then he is already. I couldn't move any closer anywais. I star at him still shocked.

"I-It's not what you think I promise !" 

He said as he start to cry, he was whispering thing like 'it's my fault' 'I'm such an idiot' and all, that's when I could finally move and I was now sitting in front of him, I hold out my hand and ask him to give me the blade, he didn't wanted at first but after a moment he just give it to me. I smile and ask him to give me his arms, when he refuse I didn't push him and just let him not wanting to make him unconfortable or anything.

I put the blade away and hug him, I couldn't hold back all the tears anymore, I could see that he was schoked, but he hug back and I could hear him sob louder then before. I let him rest his head on my torso as he start to cry more. It was hearbreaking to see him like that of course, but I was happy that he finally decide to let it all out.

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now