Black sky

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sorry this is very short TvT, just some fluff I guess ?


Female!King x Helbram

"Harl are you alright ?" Helbram ask, standing next to her as he wrap one of his arm around her shoulder. She nodded and look at the sky. "Today the sky is's beautiful..." She said, after saying that it started raining a little. She look at the rain a moment before she stretches out her arm and let some rain fall on her hand. "I like the rain." She said with a faint smile on her face. Helbram smiled at Harley and rest his hand on her shoulder. "The rain is calm and nice right ?"

She nodded and stroke Helbram hair with one of her hand. Everything was calm, not a lot of people were outside since most people don't like rain. Helbram then let go of Harley and smiled. Harley look at him a bit confuse on what he was doing.

"I'm going to make some food, do you want anything ?" He asked, she look at the sky still for a moment before looking back at him. "Anything you make will be alright for me." She smiled before looking back at the sky. Helbram then went to the kitchen to make some food.

Harley was still looking at the sky, it was only 5PM and the sun was already going down and we could see the moon starting to show himself. She smiled at the sky, the night was calming most of the time so she didn't really mind. She would often go out at night when she need to calm down or when she felt like it. And she decided that tonight would be one of those night. She went back in the house and went to her room to get dressed. 

(That's what she's wearing)

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(That's what she's wearing)

She then went out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen to see that Helbram had finish with the food and was about to go to the dinning room, she helped him to set the table so that they could eat. Helbram saw how she was dressed and smile softly before hugging her by behind and placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. 

"You're going outside aren't you ?" He asked, she nodded and look at him with a smile. "You want to come ?" She asked, he giggle and rest his head on her shoulder. "No thanks, you can go alone, just be careful alright ?" He said, she nod and giggle. "We should eat while it's still hot." She told him with a faint smile before placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "You're right." He said with a little chuckle and let go off her before sitting on a chair.

She sit on the chair in front of him and began to eat her food, Helbram then began to do the same. Everything was silent while the two lovers were eating their food. Not even one noise was heard, and it was fine for the both of them. When Harley finished her food she get up, taking her plate and washing it. She then turn around to Helbram and said.

"I'll be back around 6PM or 6:30PM." She told him before approaching him and placing a gentle kiss on his forehead after that she leave the house. Helbram took a deep breath and get up taking his plate and washing it. 

Harley was alone walking around the city, looking at the black sky and the stars. Everything was peaceful and she liked it a lot. She sat at a bench for a moment and look at her phone. Helbram had send her a message telling her that he was going to sleep and that he had left the door of the house open from when she would go back home. She smiled at the screen and giggle a little.  

She then look back at the sky, she really liked looking at it at night, for her it as calming.

<<I should probably go back home now.>> She though to herself as she get up from the bench, Coming home this soon couldn't be bad too, she look at the time and see that it was already 6:10PM. Yes she really should go home right now.

She then start to walk back at her house. She wasn't that far so it didn't took her long before finally entering home. She take off her coat and went inside the living room. It was all dark so she use the light of her phone to be able to see. She then went to her bedroom and to her closet to go get a pajama. She put a oversized t-shirt and a short before laying down next to her boyfriend. She kiss his cheek softly before resting her head on his shoulder.

"Good night love." 

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now