They fairy mermaid

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(King and Elaine have wings in this AU)

3rd P.O.V

A long time ago, the fairys and the mermaids were in peace for a very long time but one day the mermaids and the fairy made a pact, the fairy king and queen had to give one of their children to pay for one thing they did to the mermaids.

Years later the fairy king and queen got 2 children, 1 boy of 304 years old and a girl of 4 years old, they had to give one of their children to the mermaids, they decide to give the boy cause he didn't wanted his sister to be given at his place.

His parents had told him that he could still be able to see them but it will be a little rare at first. He accepte and say goodbye to his little sister one last time before going to join the mermaids, first they needed to turn the little fairy into a mermaids and for that they needed some time before turing him so he could stay with his family a bit.

The little girl didn't understand why her brother had to leave, she didn't wanted her big brother to leave her alone. Her big brother try to explain everything to her but she didn't wanted to listen nor understand why, she just wanted to be with her big brother.

3 weeks later everything was ready and the little fairy had to make his last goodbye to his family, everybody cry at the news, his little sister didn't wanted to let him go when he had to leave, we had to force her or her to let him go, he told his sister that they would see him again she just have to wait a moment, she trust her brother so she had let go.

It has been years now since this happen, the little girl named Elaine was now the fairy queen and the boy named Harlequin will soon be the king of the mermaids. They could see eachother more often then before now, they miss a lot their parents though, they had died in a battle years ago the little girl was onl 100 when she had to become the queen.

They talk a lot about their days when they can see eachother, neither of them fall in love already, the girl wasn't interseted in any kind of relationship and the boy don't find anyone interesting for the moment. He did have a crush when he was little but he get over it very easy when he hear that the girl he like was already dating someone else.

They did make friends too, the girl had a liitle group of friends and the boy too, they like to talk about their friendship and how they meet their friends too even though they talk about it like a million times. Sometime they bring gift to eachother, for their birthday, for when they help eachother as a thanks. 

THe boy had already did a lot of different gifs to the girl and the girl too, she had offer him flowers, fruits, jewelry, flower crown and the boy had offer her jewelry, seashell, and even already give her a little fish that she still have too.

Today was kinda special for the two siblings, today they were going to show their friends ti eachother and they were exited for that, they never saw eachother friends and they were exited to see how much they count for eachother.

The girl was almost here with her 4 friends, a boy named Helbram, a girl named Gerarde, another girl named Alice and a non-binary named Mars, the boy had 3 friends, 3 girls, Julia, Angel and Alexa and today they were finally going to meet.

The girl was at the edge of the lac she always talk to her brother waiting for him with his friends, his friends never see the boy, only Gerarde did but it as years ago, she may be here to help the fairy king/queen but it's not for that that she can't be friend with them after all. 

It take a bit of time before her brother finally show up with his friends, they start to present their friends to eachother, the boy had start and present Angel first, the calm one of the group and was more like the mother of the group, they all laugh a bit about it, next was Julia the most energetic of the group and the troublemaker, she even say it herself that she was a troublemaker and that she was proud of it, the next one was Alexa the big sister of the group and the most logic one too, and his friends decide to present him and they present him as the most kind person in the group but wouldn't hesitate to beat you up if you talk shit about anyone he love, the boy was embarassed about it and his sister just agree about it.

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now