First date

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Harlequin/King P.O.V

It's been 2 months that me and Helbram start dating, i was really happy in that relationship and so was Helbram. So today i decide something, i just hope it will go well. I walk over to Helbram wo was talking to my sister, i told her about what i was planning to do, and she said she will help me.


"Elaine ?" I asked, she was on her bed ready to go to sleep.

"Yes oni-chan ?" She asked with a sleepy smile.

"Could you...heu...Help me with s-something ?"

She got up from her bed bed and fly closer to me.

"What is it ?"

I was a bit nervous about telling her, but she was one of the only person i could trust about that, since only her and Amanda knew about your relationship, and i didn't wanted to break Amanda heart more with that.

"Could you m-maybe help me a-asked Helbram on a d-date ?"

"Of course i would ! You asked him and i help you with the rest !"

"The thig is t-that i don't know w-wath place we could g-go..."

"Don't worry i take care of everything !"

"Okay...I trust you sisy."

End of flashback

I was walking over to them, i was very nervous to asked him but in the same time i want to just yell him that i want to go on a date with him. I just hope he said yes, or my sister would have prepare everithing for nothing. I was now behind Helbram, my sister notice me and tell Helbram that she had to do important things. Come on Harlequin you can do this ! I though to myself.

"H-Helbram ?" I asked in a soft voice, i alredy feel my face heat up when he turn around to look at me, he was blushing and had is beautiful smile on his face.

"Yes Harley ?" That was the nickname he gave me when we were kids, i call him Hely and he call me Harley. 

"I-i wanted t-to asked you s-something..." At this point a was bright red, that mad a little chukle escape my lover lips.

"What is it you want to aske me that made you bright red ?" He said still laughing a little.


"Whoa whoa slow down- wait a minute you want me to go on a- date ?"

"Y-yes..." I was scared of his answer. But he just approche me and laugh, he kissed my forhead and ask if he could hug me (If you want to know why i will make a headcanon book about some thing in my AU).

"Of course i want to go on a date with you cutie." Now i was inding in is chest, reder then a tomato. He let go of me after a moment and give me a smile.

"When is it ?"

"T-tonight.. I go pick you up at your house..."

"Okay then at tonight my love." He said as he kiss my check and leave.

He leave me behind, i was red of embarassement, my sister come flying at me and start to tell me thighs like 'ho my god you did it !' 'You better wear something nice !' I just flew to my house and in my room, i sat in front of the door, i had lock the door at key and i was thinking of how your date could go. I hope it will be the best day of my live ! Just to think about it make butterfly in my stomack. Since Elaine had prepare everithing, i just had to chose a outfit, i was thinking about a good one but the only good cloth i made are dress. Then i thought about something, why not wear a dress ? I feel my face heat up but i didn't care, i know Elaine would suport me as always and Helbram to. So i go to work on my dress. It took 3 hours to made the dress and it was almost night, i quikly dress up and want to met my sister. 

King/Harlequin x Helbram one shotWhere stories live. Discover now