4: A Date/Opening Up

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Bret and Loona messed around during the photo shoot they were doing. All they did was act like YouTube bloggers the entire time. This was thanks to the tripods used for the shoot. Loona had a troublesome photoshoot. Most of her photos, which weren't well produced, were either blurry or the weather had kicked in during the shoot.

"Not all photoshoots happen as planned." Bret frowned, "I've had awful photoshoots before."

"Shut up! You're making me feel bad." Loona frowned, "Besides, I might have to push our coffee talk back another hour."

"Why would that be?" Bret grasped her hand.

"I have English today." Loona sighed, "Fuck. Can this day get any worse?"

"Don't fucking jinx it!" Bret pouted, "You'll be fine, Loona. Stay calm in your classes."

"I know, I know." Loona rolled her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face. "Thanks for the encouragement, Bret. I appreciate it."

"Of course, Loon." Bret gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "You got this."

Loona nodded and took a deep breath, feeling slightly calmer. "Alright, let's grab some coffee, and then I'll rush to class."

As they walked towards the coffee shop, Bret kept a close eye on Loona, hoping she was okay. Despite her tough exterior, he knew how anxious she could get about school. He just wanted to be there for her in any way he could.

Once they reached the coffee shop, they ordered their drinks and sat at a small table. Loona took a sip of her coffee and let out a content sigh.

"Thanks for coming with me," she said, looking at Bret.

"Anytime, Loon," Bret replied with a smile. "You know I'll always be here for you."

Loona felt her heart swell with gratitude. She was lucky to have such a supportive friend like Bret. With him by her side, she knew she could face anything the day threw at her.

"I will never stop loving our school." Bret laughed, "The University of Miami, the U."

Loona smiled, knowing that Bret's love for their school was infectious. She felt a sense of pride in being a student at the University of Miami.

As they walked through the campus, Loona couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. She remembered her first day at the U, feeling nervous and overwhelmed. But with the help of friends like Bret, she had found her footing.

"Remember when we had that crazy party in the dorms?" Bret chuckled.

Loona laughed, shaking her head. "I don't think I could ever forget that. You were the life of the party, as always."

Bret shrugged, a playful grin on his face. "What can I say? I know how to have a good time."

They continued to reminisce about their time at the U, from wild parties to late-night study sessions. It was moments like these that Loona cherished the most - the ones she shared with her closest friends.

As they reached their destination, Bret turned to Loona with a grave expression.

"No matter where life takes us, Loona, always remember that you. You have a friend in me. I'll always have your back."

Loona felt a lump form in her throat, touched by Bret's words. "Thank you, Bret. I feel the same way about you."

With a final hug, the two friends went their separate ways, ready to tackle the rest of the day with some knowledge that they had each other's support.

Bret walked back to his dorm since his day was finished. He decided to get some reading done while he had spare time. He decided to watch a show and read a book. The show he picked was "9-1-1: Lonestar", and the book he chose was "Trevor Noah: Born a Crime" so he could multitask between the two while waiting for Loona to text him. Daxton had math and chemistry classes that day, which meant leaving Bret alone for the most part.

"Nothing to do for the most part. I do have my laundry, which I'll do later tonight." Bret smirked, "Maybe, I'll see Loona there too."

As he settled into his reading, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw a message from Loona.

"Hey! How was your day?" the message read.

Bret grinned and quickly replied, "Not bad, just finished classes for the day. You?"

"I just want my coffee and for us to talk," Loona replied.

Bret's grin widened, "Sounds like a plan. What is on your mind?" he asked as they walked towards the coffee shop.

Loona took a deep breath, "Well. I've been thinking about our relationship lately," she said hesitantly.

Bret's expression turned serious. "Okay, and what about it?"

"I have known you for a while now. We did not discuss where in the future. I do not want to pressure you or anything. I want to know if you see a future with me," Loona admitted.

Bret was shocked about her admitting such a thing, "I um... I didn't think you would ask that."

Loona smirked, "Oh really?"

"I don't think that far into the future." Bret frowned, "I only think of now and then. What I once was."

"Oh." Loona responded, "Does that kiss from the laundromat say anything?" 

"Pretty much, yes," Bret smirked, pecking her cheek as they walked.


They sat at a table at Pixie's coffee shop, the local favorite of many players from the university. They hold their hands on the table in front of them.

"I just want you to know that I care about you, Loona," Bret said softly, looking into her eyes. "I know we've only been seeing each other for some time now, but I feel a powerful connection to you."

Loona smiled, feeling a warmth spreading through her chest. "I feel the same way, Bret. I never expected to find someone like you, especially not in a laundromat of all places."

Bret chuckled at the memory. "Yeah, that was a pretty unexpected meeting. But I'm grateful for it. I don't want to rush anything, but I wanted to ask you... would you be my girlfriend?"

Loona's heart skipped a beat. Although she had anticipated his proposal, the confirmation filled her with excitement. "Yes, Bret, I would love to be your girlfriend."

Bret grinned, leaning in to give her a gentle and passionate kiss. Loona felt fireworks exploding in her mind as she kissed him back, feeling happy and content.

As they pulled away, Bret took her hand in his. "I'm looking forward to getting to know you better, Loona. And for us to see where this goes."

Loona smiled, feeling a sense of joy and possibility for the future. "Me too, Bret. Me too."

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