24: Combat In The Canyon

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"What's the distance?" Jaxon asked, rushing his words.

"Distance?" Moxxie responded.

"From here!" Jaxon yelled.

"It's half a mile out!" Moxxie responded, fear in his eyes, "I fear for Millie's safety!"

"I got it." Jaxon lined his sights up, "Permission to kill?"

The line was quiet as he fought between Stallion and the United States Marines. Without permission, Jaxon can't support the teams on the lower grounds of the canyon. What if... he could disobey orders? With Moxxie freaking out, and the chaos down below was giving Jaxon a migraine headache. 

"Permission to kill?" Jaxon repeated, this time louder and irritated, "Give me a sign!"


Bret sat back after killing two soldiers and proceeded to attempt the harshest part of the plan: taking the gear and rescuing the prisoners. Bret snuck behind a truck using the passenger side of the barracks truck. One soldier caught him and began to fight him, only to be punched and his back broken by Bret's kick. The soldier groaned before having his head slammed into the ground. Bret kills people using strength and not weapons.

Wyatt stood face to face with one soldier and began to swing his machete at him. He sliced the man's arm off, then took a fatal swing at his head. The soldier was brutally murdered in 30 seconds of his fight against these civilians.

The call to arms drove everyone into a state of mind. If they fought their own country's soldiers, wouldn't they be seen as traitors or terrorists?


Five men sat in the back of one of the trucks. The men were prisoners of the states. Accused of murder in California, the murder of a young girl. The other three men were wanted for Armed Robbery. What about the fifth man? What crime did the fifth one commit? Nothing. 

"Mark..." One man spoke, "Are we gonna die?"

Mark sighed, "No. Someone is getting us out of here. I know it."

The other four men sighed and groaned, wanting out of the truck. Guns were sounding along with screams in pain and agony. One jumped to the side and was killed immediately.

"DAVID!" One screamed, "We have to get out of here!"

"Wait for someone to open the back." Mark roared, "These people are our saviors."


Jaxon was sick of the action from afar, "Moxxie, we need to get closer."

Moxxie looked over, bewildered by Jaxon's outburst, "Why? We're Eagle team!"

"Eagle team! We need you down here quickly! We're getting outgunned! Shoot the gunners and get down here! This plan has gone to shit!" Bret explained.

Jaxon smirked, "I told you, Mox."

Moxxie jumped into Jaxon's bag as Jaxon grabbed his rifle and removed the scope. He gave it to Moxxie as he got into the bag. Jaxon shrugged and started running with Moxxie in the bag. He prayed Bret was still alive as he got to the canyon roads. The silence of the night and the sound of his feet gave him a reassuring feeling as the roar of gunfire could be heard in the distance.

"Are we close?" Moxxie screamed, "I feel like throwing up!"

"You better not get motion sick!" Jaxon yelled at Moxxie, "I'm not cleaning my bag if you do. I'll make you clean it out!" 

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