19: A New Reality

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Bret sat in the hospital alone. Loona was asleep after Vortex and his girlfriend, Bee, left the hospital. Bret sighed and attempted to call his dad.

"Weird, he didn't pick up." Bret sighed, "He'll call back in a few minutes. I know it."

While waiting for his dad to call, he looks at his girlfriend, "Loona? You doing okay, honey?"

Loona, who was still asleep, didn't respond. She had been exhausted for the past few days since giving birth. Their newborn son, Thomas, was still undergoing tests. The doctor had told them shocking news he was mild to moderately deaf, which destroyed Bret's mindset. He didn't mind but couldn't believe his ears.

After what felt like an eternity, Doctor Stevens entered the room. He held a clipboard with some shocking evidence. The look on his face made matters even worse. The doctor explained the tests concluded that Thomas would have mild hearing loss. Bret was at a loss for words. He couldn't figure out why the hearing damage had occurred.

"Are there any reasons for the hearing loss?" Bret asked, motioning to have the doctor explain.

Doctor Stevens adjusted his glasses, "Bret, I wish I knew how it occurred. There seems to be no explanation for it. We've tried many different tests, which are safe, to understand how the hearing loss happened. Was it Loona screaming bloody murder? Was it just unknown? We ran many tests using the guidelines and regulations of a hellhound pregnancy."

Bret froze, "Hellhound? How do you know we're hellhounds?"

"Loona isn't human, and you're using a disguise. We get other human-like creatures, such as anthropomorphic animals along the lines." The doctor revealed something on his badge, "I work with hellhounds... Because I'm an OB/GYN and Houndologist."

'I guess they are a thing.' Bret thought. "Any other symptoms or medical conditions I should worry about?"

"Moderate ADHD was found during tests. Anything else?" Doctor Stevens smiled, "Oh! Here, I have some updates for you. Loona should be able to be discharged within 4-6 days."

"That feels a little long, don't you think?" Bret replied.

"It's for her health. I forget hellhounds are... a bit impatient sometimes." Doctor Stevens laughed, "I have to get going. We'll bring Thomas back into the room soon."

Bret nods, and the doctor leaves. The silence wasn't uncommon for Bret and Loona. Their life was chaotic enough with Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie. Now... with a child? Who knows what they created?


Liam was filing paperwork after a training session earlier that morning. He seemed to fill them with a quick pace, weaving in and out of the lines. Paperwork was the least of Liam's worries until he got a depressing phone call.

Liam: Hello?

Bret: Liam... Can you check on my dad? I haven't heard from him.

Liam: I'm in Miramar. Why do you want me to check on him? He's your dad!

Bret: Please... I'm at Kaiser, and Loona is asleep. She gave birth a few days ago and needs rest.

Liam: She gave... birth? Really? Do I get to be Uncle Liam?

Bret: No, you get to be the godparent of my son.

Liam: Friends until the end.

Bret: Yeah. Even in the afterlife.

Liam: Only because you said that, I'll check on him.

Bret: Tell him I send my regards.

Liam: Don't worry, I will. 

Liam ends the call and rides to Bret's house on his motorcycle, "I'm hoping and praying his dad is alive."

Liam approached the house, but no one answered the door. He investigated the house as blood was seen, and an ambulance stood outside the property. Liam felt nervous to keep going but didn't want to let his hellhound friend down—the house was filled with a few paramedics, and seeing Grant's limp body raised an alarm inside Liam's already racing mind.

"What the hell?" Liam looked around, worried Grant was dead.

The sound of crying went through the house. Liam looked at the body, "What... happened?"

The paramedic looked at him, "Gunshot to the heart, looks like .357 Magnum to the heart and leg."

"Who's the victim?" Liam spoke, his voice quaking in fear.

"We found some form of ID belonging to a Grant... How do you say his last name?" The paramedic responded, but her response felt cold to Liam.

A quick gasp escaped Liam's mouth, "Dear God..."

"Captain Holloway, what should we do about the body?" Another paramedic asked, "We can't just let it rot here!"

Liam exited the house, fearing for his life. All he could do was call Bret back, hoping to figure something out.

Liam: *Shaking* B-Bret.

Bret: What?

Liam: Your Dad...

Bret: What, Liam? What about my dad? Is he okay or..?

Liam: I don't know how to say this.

Bret: Tell me!

Liam: *Starts crying* He's dead...

Bret: Ex-fucking-cuse me?

Liam: Dude, I don't know what to do. Paramedics are here, just—

Bret: I'm on my way.


Bret looked at Loona, "Baby. I have to go. It's an emergency."

Loona looked over, "Alright... Will you be back?"

Bret sighed and walked over to her, standing over her, "It's about my dad. I'll be back. I love you."

Loona kissed his chin, "I love you too."

Bret exited the hospital, only to realize his powers were limited in the human world, but his hellhound abilities were still fully intact. As he ran toward the house, he felt uneasy about his dad's death, thinking his dad had killed himself and wasn't accidental.

"Almost home!" Bret screamed, tears rolling down his cheeks, "He wouldn't just kill himself!"

After a few minutes of running and jumping, Bret finally made it home, preferably his former home. He saw Liam outside speaking to the paramedic Captain, "What the hell is going on?"

"Bret! Okay, go inside and look for yourself." Liam spoke, "It's bad..."

As the "human" walked into the house, he saw only something he wished he knew about. The body of his dead father was lying on the ground as the paramedics began packing their equipment back into their bags. He ran over and saw his father's lifeless body begin to smell.

"Dad..." Bret began, "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry you'll never get to see your grandchild again... When we meet again, in God, we trust."

As he began to overlook the body, he noticed a bullet casing with the engraving of FW on one side and ARS on the other. Bret initiated a long thought process to figure out who would kill such an innocent soul. Only to realize the only person he could've had beef with on and off the field before his death.

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