5: The Annual Medical Clearance Day

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Every year, the football team has its annual medical and physical check-ups. The medical staff had clipboards and physical therapists from the hospital down the street. Bret, Steven, Frank, Omar, and Hugo, lined up behind one another, waiting for their names to be called.

"Dude, this is gonna take forever." Hugo groaned.

"Calm down, ya Irish freshman." Bret chuckled, "We're all here as well."

"Yeah. I know." Hugo started sweating.

"Yo, Hugo, you good?" Steven asked, "You're sweating an awful lot there."

Hugo appeared to be coping well, although he took a moment to swallow before responding. "I assure you that everything is fucking peachy," he stated.

"You realize that we're also getting drug-tested, right?" Bret cringed, "Fuck, I shouldn't have said that."

"The drug test can be a needle, or you piss in a cup. Big deal." Frank laughed.

"I don't know, man. I heard they test for everything these days." Steven replied.

As they continued to wait, the medical staff called out each player by their last name. They were asked to step forward and undergo various medical tests, such as checking their blood pressure and heart rate, as well as a physical examination.

Hugo was called up next, and he reluctantly stepped forward, hoping everything would go smoothly. As he was being inquired, his heart rate began to accelerate, and he began to sweat profusely. He could feel his anxiety building up inside him, and he started panicking.

Eventually, the medical staff finished their exams and drug testing, and Hugo was cleared to play. As they left the hospital, Hugo breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god that's over," he said.

"Yeah, I hate this part of the season," Steven replied.

"But hey, at least we know we're in good shape for the upcoming games," Bret added.

The group continued to chat as they walked towards the weight room, relieved that their physical exams were finally over. Despite the initial anxiety and stress, they were glad to have taken care of their health and well-being, knowing it was all for playing the sport they loved.

"I'm going to investigate my results again." Bret sighed, "I think they fucked mine up."

"Alright, see you at the weight room then." Frank laughed.


"Doctor Wilmington." Bret looked at the doctor, "My results. Can I look at them again?"

"I can explain them." Wilmington flipped through the papers on his clipboard, "What's your name again?"

"Bret Sobehrad?" Bret sighed, "Student ID number is 583215."

"Ah, yes, Bret." The doctor smiled, "I'll get your results in a few days. After all, I did get your results a few days ago."

"So you're saying I don't have a concussion?" Bret squinted.

"I said I'll get your results in a few days." The old man growled, "I didn't SAY you had one."

Bret walked out, confused by his behavior on the "concussion" he allegedly had, "I'm so fucking confused. Do I or do I not have a fucking concussion? Or concussion symptoms?"

As Bret walked out of the doctor's office, he decided to wait for the test results to confirm whether or not he had a concussion. In the meantime, he became more aware of his symptoms and monitored them closely.


Days later, the doctor called Bret and confirmed that he didn't have a concussion. Instead, he had some mild sinus issues that caused the headaches and dizziness he had been experiencing.

Bret was relieved to understand that he did not have a concussion and that his symptoms were temporary.

"Thank god! YES! WOOHOO!" Bret jumped in joy, "GIVE ME THE GOLD! WE'RE PLAYING BALL!"

Frank was outside sitting on a park bench, wearing the Mariners jersey his father gifted him while his family lived in Seattle, "This jersey fits like a glove."

"God, stop with the damn puns." Steven groaned, "It's gonna make my ears explode."

Hugo pointed to a figure running at them, "Who's running?"

Steven smiled and whispered, "Looks like the tackle is happy."

"BOYS! BOYS!" Bret sprinted towards the benches, "Guess who does not have a concussion?"

"You're back?" Steven asked fiercely, holding back the excitement within him.

"Captain Soby is back." Bret smiled, "Back on motherfucking track. Let's go kick some ass!"

"C-A-N-E-S! CANES!" The boys yelled in triumph.


Loona sat in her dorm, listening to heavy metal as she sat alone, doing some English homework. She couldn't stop thinking about Bret, "Ugh, I can't get you out of my mind. Screw the homework."

She threw her pen down and began pacing around the room, her mind consumed with thoughts of Bret. She tried to distract herself by playing video games or watching a movie, but nothing worked.

Finally, she decided enough was enough. She grabbed her phone and called Bret, hoping he would answer.

"Hey, Loona! What's up?" Bret answered, sounding surprised to hear from her.

"I can't stop thinking about you," Loona blurted out, embarrassed by her actions.

There was a moment of silence before Bret spoke, "I could use a coffee right now."

Loona's heart skipped a beat. She took a deep breath and gathered her courage, "Do you want to hang out tonight?"

Bret's response was immediate and enthusiastic, "Absolutely! I'll meet you at the campus cafe in an hour?"

Loona's heart soared, "Yes, I'll see you there!"

She quickly got dressed and headed out, her mind buzzing with excitement. She couldn't believe she had finally worked the courage to ask Bret out, and he had said yes!

When she arrived at the cafe, Bret was already there. Smiling and waving, Loona felt her heart skip a beat once again as she approached him. The pair hugged and shared a peck, "Good to see you again, Loona."

"Good to see you again too, Bret." Loona blushed and giggled, "Coffee two days in a row?"

"Might change it up." Bret started, "I like my coffee like I don't want it to know its father."

"What does that mean?" Loona tilted her head.

"IT MEANS HE WANTS IT BLACK!" Frank yelled from afar, "Bert Kreischer reference! Atta boy Sobes."

"Why is Frank here?" Loona asked, worried for her safety, "I don't like that."

"He's fine. He runs the campus cafe now and then." Bret explained, "Frank is being Frank at times."

"Uh, okay?" Loona looked at her phone, "Hen wanted me to tell you hello."

"Ugh, out of all people? Hen? It couldn't have been Oilvia or Skye?" Bret groaned.

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