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Also i change it [~~◇~~] is time skip

Changing Komainu to Keizo.


"Slayer's Training"


"Your brother is a demon. And you can't deny that." Hakuji stated, looking down at the pair of sibling. "But i do acknowledge your will." He nodded as to show agreement. putting one hand on his chin, thingking. "Become a demon slayer. Hunt whoever killed your family. Avange them. And do whatever you want with your brother."

Nezuko looked at the sword he gave. "Destroy" she saw the word carved. "Is there really no way to turn him back?" She looks at Tanjirou who barely pays attention, looking away to the endless snow. it even seems as if Tanjirou forgot what happened to him.

"No, but you wouldn't listen even if i say that right?" He crossed his arm. "How?" Nezuko muttered. "Hm?" She puts her hand on Tanjirou, observing him once more. "How did he become a demon? He was born human i'm sure of it."

"His wounds make contact with a demon's blood. That's how they multiply their kind." Hakuji saw the determination in her eyes. The aura surrounding her. He smile a little. 'I'm starting to like her.'

"I'll turn him back." She stated. Holding her brother tightly. "Demons die by the sun. So don't expose him to any sort of sunlight. And keep that bamboo on his mouth, he can't bite you that way."



"Excuse me, sir. May i have the basket over there? And some bamboo and straw aswell." Nezuko have approached a local farmer.

"Oh well the basket is full of holes, are you sure you want it?" The farmer asked. "Yes. It's alright, i'll pay for it" she reach through her pocket, but she was stopped. "If you really want it, just take it for free. And the bamboo and straw too." The farmer left after saying that, not bothering with Nezuko's presences anymore. "Thank you, sir!" He heard from afar.


Nezuko walked the side walk, nearing a small cave she has told her brother to stay in. "Big brother?" She looked through the small enterance, noticing a small hole. His brother's head suddenly pop out from the hole. "Did you dig that?" She entered the cave. looking around the hole. "It's impressive." Nezuko crossed her legs bringing the material with her.

She craft a basket, while using her body to cover her brother from the outside. 'Before the man warned me not to expose Tanjirou to the sun. But seeing how bad Tanjirou wants to avoid it, i wonder what would happen..' her hands was skilled, she usually make baskets for her siblings when they went out to pick some fruits.

"Alright it's done, i've put a piece of cloth there if that'll make you comfortable." Nezuko shows Tanjirou the inside of the basket. "Can you come in? So we can move even in daylight." She pointed her fingers to the basket, as to tell him to come in.

'I'm not sure about this. I only saw him grow his nails and fangs before, i don't know if he can shrink..' Nezuko lower her head to reach Tanjirou's in the hole. "Can you atleast give it a try?" Tanjirou look at her in the eye, tilting his head. And finally looking at the basket.

He crawled inside, only his upper body came in, before he pushes himself inside.
'He shrinked! ' Nezuko smilled at the sight. "Good job big brother!" She took the top of the basket. "I'm gonna close it okay?" Tanjiro leaned his back before getting comfortable in the basket.

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