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You saw nothing. [I split the chapter in half.]
You don't need to read this, nothing change.


"Changing fate"

Nezuko throwed a plate, it hit the lantern as it exploded. They were hiding behind the remains from the house, Kaigaku kept giving her something new to throw.

"Why are we doing this again?"

She complained, closing her ears as the lantern explode. Covering her mouth from the smoke aswell.

"Well you see, the explosion so bad, you'll be burn to death. We can't regenerate or even take one hit of it, while your brother is a demon, therefore able to take many hits."

"Well what about him?!"

She pointed at Michikatsu who's just busy reading a book under all this mess. He didn't bother looking at up her.

"Well he's on the demon king's hit list, we can't blow his cover, and don't say his name."

Nezuko sweats looking at the demon then her sword, what if she just ran there and cut her head? But will she be fast enough?

"Even if you are, that's not the demon's real body, it can only be killed by the sun, or destroy itself."

Michikatsu was rather calm in this situation, he told them to pretend that he's dead since he's not a demon slayer, and normal people would die by now. They heard a loud bang from the other side of the house, it even took the demon's attention.


"Don't run out, you'll get blown immediately!."

Kaigaku hold her by the shoulder, she pushed him off immediately, she felt guilty for even letting her brother meet danger. She was supposed to protect him no matter what.

"Let her go, she's not worth your time."

Listening to that, he still looked her in the eyes telling her no. But she ran out anyway. Her brother needs her right now. He was forced to also go out, cause he'll be responsible for her brother if she's dead.

The demon didn't react to them. Something was on her mind. 'Nichika is dead. What do i do?'

Kill them. No matter what kill them. They are Michikatsu's last hope. I don't care what you do just kill.


The demon close her eyes going on her knees. Her body started shaking. Before a root came out of her back, she was destroying herself, it kept growing ontop of her small body. The root grows in height and sizes, making some kind of a dead tree or a tower.

It prosuces purple smoke, they covered their mouths quickly. The smoke was making her dizzy.

"Watch out!"

A root almost fell on her, she moved her body, coughing. She can't use her breathings like this. This demon have improved, doing everything it can to make it's enemy incapable to fight back.

The roots surrounds her, one grabbing her arm, tying itself, she pulled her sword cutting it. Will a demon be able to handle this? The roots was stepped on, Tanjirou came to protect her. It seems the smoke didn't affect him. His clothes was burned, and full of dust.

She wanted to apologise, seeing Tanjirou in such condition when she have promised to protect him. But her mouth was covered by his hand. He patted her on the head, before facing the tree, running to it, cutting through the vines with his claws.

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