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I change her forger name to Koi Sakana, cause it meant Koi fish. And those 3d fish in the anime is so cool.

[~♡~] means back story time.

Spider breathing or web breathing?

I don't like this chapter. This chapter is so horrible it hurts to reread.


"Fox Demon"

Nezuko took one last glance to the box, before going in. Other slayers following behind her.

The place was ruined, blood stained. And the floor was creaking with every step. They have to be careful or else the floor might collapsed and they'd fall down to the water.

They walked silently, cautious of their surroundings. Some are quivering in the back, wanting to get out. But ofcourse they didn't, they want the money.

Rui easily ignored them, he also ignore all of the house, having his attention to his newly made "friend"

"I heard him said something about his teacher's live.. what's that about?"

Rui doesn't exactly know what to say to a friend, so he's trying his best to have an interaction.

"Oh, um his master died."

"Oh? Then.. why don't you feel bad after saying that? Don't friends share eachother sadness?"

"Yes. But he kinda deserve it."

Deserving of death? Is that real? Well if someone is that bad, supposedly yes. But what could possibly one living being do to deserve death?

"How did he die?"


"By seppuku?"


Nezuko remembered that she should probably not talk about the previous night. She can't possibly tell the literall heir to the Kibutsuji clan she's working with a demon.

She excused herself by saying she didn't want to talk about it, yes the death was recent. But she didn't have any other info.

"Well i hope they'll have a better live. Or do you hate them so much that you don't want that too?"

"No, i also hope he gets a better life."

Now she remembers talking about other people's deaths are not appropriate. And she should definitely stop talking or thinking about it.

The boy likes to fidgets, he have rubbers that he made into different shapes just by his hands, to Nezuko it was amusing.

"I can teach you if you want."

The boy offers. There are only four people out of eight sent there, one is ofcourse Kaigaku, and the other three cowered out. The mansion was big, after several minutes though, they didn't found a single sign of any demons. It was as if a maze.

The door behind them is gone, two of them ran off, trying to find the exit. The other stays true to his mission, and stayed following Rui from behind.

"The demon can manipulate water. Their power is so strong that they manipulate the water into a whole mansion. It's impressive, don't you think?"

Rui complimented the demon's work, but they can't possibly agree cause if it's a good thing for the demon, it will definitely be a bad thing for them.

But manipulating water, she has saw that kind of power before, a much weaker version in the selection. But she never really got to fight the demon since he just gave up.

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