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Nah i skipped a whole fight. It'd be boring and i have still have alot to cover.

I promise this will be the only time i skipped a fight. [Maybe]

Updated 2 chp because they're both short. The next chapter will take a long time to publish, cause i gotta deal with the other book.

The Kyogai Mansion arc did like 3 episode but i cut it so short lmao.


"Moon Breather"

Nezuko hold her breath, she was holding Rui on her left hand, swiming to the surface. Rui doesn't have a very healthy body, so he fainted after being so long in the water. She swam to the surface.

Thankfully the other slayer serve as back up, they distracted the demon, giving her a chance to go back to the surface. The mansion was ruined, only having some place left standing above water. Others are small pieces sinked.

She pulled Rui's body up, luckily he was smaller than her so she didn't struggled. She pushed her hand on Rui's chest, until he breath again.

"Are you okay?"

The boy nodded. After he destroyed the mansion, the demon flee down, pulling them aswell. Since they've seen the truu him, he didn't bother talking to them anymore.

He knows he cannot convince them to be apart of him. So he didn't hesitate to eliminate them. In the right moment the other came, even one that were scared. They launched themselves to the demon, dragging him down.

Nezuko look under the lake. There was movement. And she needed to go down there and attack. But since Rui is still recovering. she isn't sure if she can leave Rui here.

Rui told her to leave. He can take care of himself, and when he recover his strength, he'll leave the lake immediately. After he convinced Nezuko enough, she jumped back to the water.

The demon will have to be defeated outside. So he will be there when it emerges from the water. He grabbed his sword, standing. The mansion is sinking, turning back to water.

He jumped from on sinking piece to another, careful with his steps. His weight was light enough that he managed back to the ground without slipping. His whole body wet from the fight.

He kneels down, his body was exhausted. A bottle was offered to him. "Drink." He saw a guy giving it, it was Nezuko's other friend. He bowed as thanks and took it. The guyy went back to sit on the rock, holding the box next to him.

Rui could only stare at him. "That box. There's a demon in it." He stated. Holding the hilt of his sword. He's still wondering why he stayed beside the box after he said that. Dies he think he's lying?

"The box's not mine. What are you gonna do about it?"

That's right. It was Nezuko's, she's the one who asked him to protect it. Why? He hesitated for a moment. Unsure if his next action.

The box opened. It crawled outside the box slowly, still Kaigaku didn't move a muscle. Even helping to open the door for it. Revealing a demon with maroon hair and bright red eyes.

He stayed unmoving, for a moment he and the demon had an eye to eye contact. Before he ran up to it, aiming his head with his sword, Kaigaku move from his comfortable position, unsheathing his sword quickly, it clashes with Rui's as he jumped back.

'What the heck. Why did he defend him? And moreover, what is that sword?'

Rui doesn't know which suprises him more, the demon hiding behind the guy, or his purple sword. He demanded an explanation. Protecting a demon is absurd.

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