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There are some curse words sorry.

The Accident

Winter was supposed to be a beautiful season. It's supposed to be a place where they all can talk and laugh together. While gathering under a candle's warm light. It was supposed to be beautiful. It was supposed to be.

"Brother." This can't be happening. She can't give up. Not now. When she is his brother's only hope. How did it even happen? How can her family suddenly disappear just before she makes it home? How- Why?

Why did the world suddenly take her family away from her? Why did the world decide to be so cruel?


"Nezuko." Her mother called. "You've been staring so much at the sky. Come in, you don't have to go down the mountain today." It was cold today. on top of the mountain where her family lived alone, it was lively, it was like they had the entire mountain for themself. At the top of the mountain, they grew their family. Generations and generations had lived here. "No thanks, I'm going to sell some Charcoal. It's almost new year, and I'd like the others to eat their fill."

"Hmm..." Ever since her brother got sick, the second oldest child was given the responsibility of the head of the family. Their father passed away a just couple of years ago. She has been trying her best to complete her job. Her mother was proud, and she received a warm hand on her cheek. "You've been working so hard lately. Thank you."

Their family was not rich. Years of surviving on this mountain, they needed to get dirt on their hand to provide food, they needed to do everything necessary to survive the cold winter. "Stay save my child. Come home before dark alright?" She held the hands of her child. "Yes, Mother." it's a shame her once soft arm was now a little rough, it is because she's been doing hard work. Once her brother got better she could go back to helping her mother take care of the other children.

"I'll be off now." It's been quite a few times since she's been off to the village alone. And honestly, she found it quite fun and peaceful. Her walk was calming and the village people would greet her every day. But before she managed to step another foot, her path was blocked by two unhappy children. "Hanako, Shigeru, haha... Where did you come from?"

They ran to her and clung to her shirt. "Big sister!" pulling her down slightly. They shouted. "Come on! You promised you'd play with me today!" her siblings relentlessly shouted, not wanting to let her go. "I didn't remember saying that..." She tried to tell, yet it was unheard of by all of the shouting. It's not like they were going to listen to her anyway.

She got down on her knees, to reach her sibling's height. "Look, I'm sorry I couldn't play today, as you know I am a little busy." It was always so hard for her to resist her brothers and sister, but "How about this, once I get home, I'll bring you two a snack."

"Big sister, can I come with you? Please? I promise to behave." Maybe she could bring one of her siblings, it won't be a big deal. "Well..."

"No! It's unfair!! you brought Shigeru to the village last time, It's my turn now!" They will only continue fighting no matter what she chooses, she tried calming them down, but their screams were only getting louder.

"Now, Now." Hanako was picked up by their mother, so she and Shigeru would stop attacking each other. "Your sister wouldn't be bringing anyone today." She stated. Only making them complain even more, but their mother's word was final. "After the snowstorm yesterday, It would be hard to bring someone. Let it be easier for her okay?" She puts Hanako down, and the children begin to pout.

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