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Oh yay another chapter anyway I just did heavy editing to the previous chapter, cause that's easier than rewriting the whole thing.

That's what I want to say but my dumbass still rewrote this shit.

This chapter includes:

- The First Mission

- The Demon King


The Numachi family is one of the most successful families in this town, they provide the town with wealth and security and are rich enough for the town to bend their rules when it comes to the heirs of the Numachi family.

The triplets have caused the town plenty of property damage, and while they are the ones to fix it by the end, it doesn't look good for their reputation. They were classified as the rich assholes with no manners. It's pure luck they had such a great start in life, born into a wealthy family.

Yet it only made them spoiled and rotten. "All they do is drink. Honestly, it's their karma that finally catches up to them." The people held no sympathy for them. "Just let them be, they needed to learn a lesson somehow." Though they were worried they'd grown insane after all of their drinking.

"They're just a bunch of pranksters, don't worry too much about it." At the start of the mission, it's crucial to know the situation, the crow informed her that the slayers were called by someone by the name of Dainichi Numachi. An important person, according to the townspeople, but they held no respect for them.

'I'm not getting any information...' When she tried asking about her employer's information, they turned to complain and suggested she leave. "That guy suddenly spouted nonsense about demons and all, he just wants to waste your time and scare the people with rumors. He has nothing better to do." An elderly woman sighed, replying to her with vague answers. she seem disappointed by the ones who were supposed to take care of the city.

"I see, may I know his whereabouts? I'd hate to leave if it was an important matter." To call upon the demon slayer corps for a prank, she'd at least wanted to see a person with such amount of boldness. Then again, she never believed in the existence of demons up until two years ago. "Well, sure. You're a hard worker." The woman wasn't sure what her job was, but she envied her diligent personality and liveliness.

She pointed in the direction of the Numachi resident, the house was pretty big, and she wasn't sure how to get it. She tried knocking on the gate's door, hoping anyone would hear.

Not long after a young male ran from inside the house, he had messy long hair and wore ragged clothes, unfit for someone who owns a mansion. His eyes were filled with terror, but also relief when he saw her. "You're the slayer right?!" He dragged her inside and dropped a bag full of money in front of her.

"Kill it, do anything you want just kill it. I'll give you more money if that's what you want." She assumed this man was Dainichi Numachi. And she can tell this wasn't a prank. "Please calm down, tell me what happened." Nezuko helped bring him water to drink, he waited until the guy could properly speak.

"My brothers and I were attacked yesterday. We were drinking as usual but on our way back a monster assaulted us. It was a demon, you have to believe me! That demon took my brothers and I was the only one able to flee." Dainichi didn't get to sleep that night, he ran to get help from the townspeople but nobody had listened. They thought he was crazy.

"I contacted the demon slayers because I don't know what else I could do." The young man trembled while recalling the recent accident, he was understandably traumatized. His fear overtook the alcohol and he was restless. Nezuko convinced him to take a shower first before they continued their business.

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