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I'm gonna cut off some chapter short, so i don't feel lazy rereading it.


"The Heir"

"To the southeast! To the southeast!! Your next location is southeast!"

"Mission! Mission! Go to southeast!!"

Two crow yelled at the same time, and it was kind of annoying them at this point. Nezuko even covered her ears, hopimg this wouldn't wake up her sleeping brother.

"Have you ever thought of.. eating them?"

"Uhh.. no?"

He shrugged, they didn't talk much, but it was nice for her to she have someone to rely on.

Kaigaku was two years older than her, meaning that he was seventeen, apparently he can just go to the selection earlier, but he decided to come later to support his brother, the blond boy who's with him. But he's been with Susamaru and Yahaba even when he isn't a demon slayer.


"So then i asked why he yelled at the fire.. and then he said he's mad that the fire don't work.."

"You have an interesting brother. All mine ever do was cry."

"I said leave. I do not need a guard. I am capable without your help."

"But sir-"

"I said no. What's so hard to understand about that?"

They encounter a young boy, a very pale boy with white hair and blue eyes. Clearly mad. Glaring at a slayer infront of him. And their own crow informed, "You have arrived."

'That boy..'

Nezuko remembered, he was the one who started the selection. The albino boy. The tension between him and the slayer was thick. The slayers look as if they wanted to cry from the presure.

But what is he doing here? She have heard that he is a very important person. He have immense power over the demon slayer corps. He was a Kibutsuji. Why is he here in the midle of a forest? Did these slayers did something so bad, that the leader had to sent him to scold them himself?

There was about three slayers infront of him, he scoffed seeing more came. "What are you looking at? This is not something to watch." Glaring at them, Nezuko got a better view of the boy. He wears the uniform of a demon slayer, meaning he must be one.

"Please sir, your father sent us himself. He wanted us to protect you.."

"What he wants isn't important right now. I can handle things myself. And i clearly do not need help."

They continued arguing for a while. From the information she got, the boy, Kibutsuji Rui, is indeed a demon slayer. But his father never really approved of it. And if he was to go on missions, he should bring someone of high rank with him. That's why they are about five slayers including them.

The boy finally gave up. "Fine, but i'll only take them." He pointed at her and Kaigaku, their conversation was so long, they were discussing what should they have for dinner at this point.

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