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Nezuko's specialty is her eyes, and I figured Nezuko couldn't see he was the demon king. If she could that means fuck perfect disguise I guess.

If I use 'bold' on all of the dialogue I can't differentiate between the important lines, that's why underline exists.

This chapter includes :

- The rebels

- The leader

- The attack


The rebels. A member of the demon slayer corps that also works with demons. A traitor? "Well, we're not hoping for the corps' downfall, nor are we giving information to the demons." It's a Parasitism symbiosis where it only benefits one of the parties. And they're the parasites.

Barely anyone knew of the rebels' existence, they did their work quietly, under a person who was in a high position within the corps, capable of hiding all of this. The head of the corps isn't aware, at least they haven't done anything yet.

"All we do is take their blood if their blood demon art's interesting." It wasn't painful for the demons, since they would regenerate anyway. They created an illegal weapon, one that not every slayer could accept. So far they only capture weak demons and kill them right after."I know all of the members of the rebels, you aren't one of them. And based on the answer you gave earlier, and on the fact that I had to explain this to you, means that you aren't new."

Nezuko was protecting a demon and she came across a group of people who used demons for their benefit.

"You protect him because he's your brother?" They've never been interested in the demons themselves, just the powers they hold. "How do you feed him?" She knew sooner or later she'd have to explain her situation to other slayers, and hope for the best. "He doesn't eat, my teacher speculates that he recharges his energy just by sleeping."

Tanjirou had never hurt anyone, and she was proud of it. They walked silently through the town, the longer she was separated from her sibling the more worry she felt. "Your teacher? So you're saying someone else knew you had a demon relative, yet they still encourage you to be a slayer anyway?" She nodded. The other was confused.

Why would she join an organization that would kill her brother with no hesitation? She should've gone into hiding. Other than that it was confusing how she's still alive right now. He didn't know how long Nezuko had been protecting the demon, yet the demon hadn't eaten her.

He was even shown to be trying to protect her a while ago. "How do you tame a demon?" Overall he was impressed, some demons lose their morality the moment they turn. "He's my brother, I don't need to tame him."

"I really hope you're not lying right now, or else I could consider my friend dead." They arrived at a pharmacy, the locals were coming in and out for their medicine. A seemingly normal place in town, but everything can be deceiving, she needs to look at another perspective. Like the wall over there, it came out rather blurry, she didn't notice at first glance.

"Hurry up, no one's watching." He walked through the wall, it was yet another blood demon art. Behind the pharmacy hid a large mansion, it was empty with no sign of life, her companion picked up the pace as he ran to open the door. And then into a room.

"Susamaru? You dead?" Susamaru must be the name of his friend. But Nezuko trusted her brother wouldn't hurt anyone, he may have broken the muzzle, but she believed her brother would keep his morality no matter what. "O-over here!" He heard a female voice answering his call. Susamaru was another member of the demon slayer corps, she had yellow eyes and short black-to-orange hair. She was hiding in the closet. She was relieved once they found her.

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