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Sorry this took too long, I realized how much I could stretch this if I tried, haha. I've already started on the next chapter.

○To be a worthy slayer○

"Let's go, brother." One last look at her family grave. And one last look at her home. She will come back. Once she turns her brother back into a human she will come back. She promised.

Her brother has been turned into a demon. But he's not a monster. He hasn't hurt anyone, and he will keep it that way. She will prevent her brother from hurting the innocents.

The sword that was given to her had the word "Destroy" engraved on it. Before the man left he gave her some instructions, to go to Mount Sagiri and train to be a demon slayer. 'What is a demon slayer?' As the name suggests it was probably an organization that kills demons, she had never heard of it before.

That man was kind enough to spare his brother, now that he's changed he can no longer be in the sunlight. Sunlight was the demon's only weakness. She didn't know how he was turned yet, it was something about a demon's blood. The bamboo on his face was to protect her from being bitten.

It was quite unnecessary because it seemed he already had full control of himself. Tanjirou doesn't seem to mind the muzzle though, so she'll keep it on.

And now she needed to learn to protect herself. On the good side, Tanjirou didn't look pale and sick anymore and was often sleepy. For now, the cloud and the cold weather were able to protect him. But still will soon come, and he will need protection.


"Big brother? Brother!!" She called for him. She was a bit shaken when a head popped out from a hole. That wasn't there before. "You dig a hole? Huh." her brother was turning into a mole. That's not a very bad trait he was just trying to avoid the sunlight. "It scares you that much huh?" She pulled a basket and gave Tanjirou a look.

"I figured if you could grow yourself, you could shrink yourself. I bought this from the local nearby and I hope we can still travel even at noon." The demon looked confused and tilted his head. Does he not understand what she says?

"Can you get in?" She tried to signal with her hands, and after a while, he began to crawl out of the hole he dug and tried to enter the basket, he was too big of course, but he pushed in and finally made himself comfortable.

"Woa, good job." It was kind of impressive, wonder what else can a demon do? She covered the basket with some clothing and made sure there wasn't any hole in the basket. She was surprised at how light her brother was, but that's just a demon's ability. "Are you comfortable?" She asked without ever receiving an answer. 'Maybe he's asleep.'

With the help of some villagers, she found her way to the mountain, it was quite a challenge, and fortunately, she met kind people along the way. They were a bit confused as to why she carried such a large baggage.

"You'll have to pass that mountain if you want to reach Mount Sagiri. Be careful alright?"

"Yes! Thank you very much."

Nezuko saw the sun setting, and now with her knowing that demons indeed exist, she began to worry. "?" Her basket began to shake. "Brother? Would you like to get out?" The moon was already shining, she supposed he would be fine. She had never been traveling this far before and it was quite exciting. She's just glad her brother was there by her side.

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