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Short chapter

I'm going back to school on Tuesday, so i'll be changing the update frequently.


"Ubuyashiki Kagaya"

It was quite a long trip to Asakusa, when she arrived it was already night, while she left the previous town at sunrise. Asakusa was far different from that town. It was so bright even at night. It made her and Tanjirou dizzy. She quickly ran to a quiter place, getting intimidated by the loudness of the town.

There were so many new things she had just found out existed. It was so confusing to her. She sat down a bench, holding on Tanjirou's hand. The town was so big she's unsure on ever finding the demon.

A man walked up to her. "You look tired, would you like some udon?" He offered. Nezuko accepted enjoying her food, Tanjirou watching quietly.

There's something off in the town, she felt a force pulling her. Telling her to go in. Suddenly Tanjirou stand up. Eyes shaking, he left her running back to the village. She dropped the bowl. She dropped some money on the bench, grabbing her box.

"Big brother?!"

She followed him, Tanjirou was fast as a demon, not being sick as he use to be. They ran passed so many humans, she almost felt sick again. Tanjirou stopped looking at a family, a man walking in the middle, followed by his family, two daughters and a wife.

She called Tanjirou, even though he didn't reply, looking at the man with full focus. She was confused. She wonders what's wrong, looking back at the family, who dissappeared?

"Oh? What are you lovely children doing here?"

He appeared behind them, so sudden. Tanjirou was trying to stay silent, he looked as if he wanted to scream, or cry. She hold his hands. Looking at the man's in the eye.

"Is there something wrong?"

The man asked again. Giving pressure towards Tanjirou, something Nezuko cannot feel, but she can see what's happening. His 'family' was standing right behind him. Unmoving, unfazed. He moved his hands forward, but Nezuko slapped it. Making his eyes grow wide a little.

"Hey! What are you doing! Don't stay here on a busy street!"

"Right forgive us."

They were interupted by a group of men, angry at their position. The man stepped aside, letting them walked passed him. He scratch one on the neck, turning his back.

"Let's go"

He left with his family, Tanjirou only moved his head to the side, ignoring anymore sight from him. What should she do now? Chase him? No, Tanjirou have gave her enough clue. And what about that woman he just scratched?

The woman fell on her knees, covering her mouth, her body start moving uncontrollably. Her group started noticing, surrounding her. She screamed, painfully. Attacking one of them.

Nezuko grabbed a cloth from her pocket, putting it on a ball before shoving it down her throat. Luckily the woman haven't managed to kill anyone. Nezuko turn to Tanjirou, he wants to follow that man.


She called him, telling him to stay. Tanjirou walked towards her, as she helped with the demon. Holding her down. She knew, that man, was Kagaya Ubuyashiki. He has a horrible aura that make her want to puke. And his eyes were simply cruel. There was no light in them, neither was there in his family's.

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