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I'll fix this soon, lots of runnig around, cause they needed to find their spot first.
Sorry for the hiatus.

Poor Rui's clothes though.


"Me And Myself "

"Kanao i promise. I'll always be with you. You will never be alone again. Do you trust me?"




<Zenitsu & Kaigaku>

"I wanna go home! I wanna go home.. why do we have to do this?."

"Honestly i don't know. But if you don't shut your mouth i swear i'll feed you to these demons."

"Aghh! but don't you think they're too cruel? Sending us, innocent children to dangerous mission and-"

"That's it, you're gonna be bait."

"W-wait what?!"

It took them thirty minutes to reach the main flowers. It was apparently farther than they expected, or did Kaigaku had the responsibility to drag on his brother. The journey there was a pain.

When Zenitsu was first to enter the fields of the mountain, he already didn't want to go in. It gave off a suspicious energy, giving the people fear. But when they entered, it have somehow welcomed them. It was a trap.

The closer they got to the source, it was a mixed feeling. They hide behind a tree, looking for any sign of a demon, as they heard a noise.



"Rui? Is that.. you?"

It has been atleast an hour since he ran away from the group. The people there irritates him, and he cannot stand them any longer. Ofcourse he understands that they would be scared. But honestly, why would they even took the job in the first place? It really bothers him that all they do is run to the other direction.

He meet a person, a man. His brother. It's been a while. But they met.

"What are you doing here? You know you're not allowed! What- does Master Muzan even know about this?"

Ofcourse, it's master Muzan. Everything is connected to him. Why can't he have an independent life?

"Rui. What are you doing? You should leave the mountain immediately."

"I just!-"

They heard a noice, a demon came out from behind the shadows. She had butterflies on her hair. And her eyes was glowing. She was.. scared?

'Kanao told me to kill them. I must.'

The demon attacked, she let out a liquid, from the palm of her hands, it appeared and she throwed it to them. She was fast, too slow to dodge, they had to take the hit.

The boy pushed his brother away, taking the poison. It started melting through his clothes.



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