Chapter 2: Non-Radiation World

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BSS Citadel POV

I rest on the beach after exploring the island for two days and there is nothing here which is disappointed. I wonder what happen after we went into the portal and where did everyone go, but the most question is what happen to this world since the water is pretty blue and not green from radiation.

Citadel: "Where am I?"

I start to think this isn't the first time that I was alone in the world. Ever since I was created during the Great War against China; I didn't have any experience in the war because by the time I was born; it was too late.

Flash Back

Drydock, USA, - October 23, 2077

3rd POV

We can see a couple of shipworkers building a nuclear battleship during the Great War, but unknown to the battleship that he will never see action ever again until Brotherhood of Steel finds him. The workers are cheering that they manage to finish a nuclear battleship.

Worker(happy): "We finally finish this fellow."

Worker2: "Now we can see this ship off and fight those Chinese dogs."

While everyone is cheering they can hear a siren alarm going off which the boss of the shipyard rush in a hurry.


Worker(freaking): "IT'S HAPPENING!"

Woker2(scared): "I'M NOT GOING TO DIED HERE!"

Everyone rush to the vault while the other worker is worry about the ship.

Worker3(worry): "What about the ship?"


All the workers left to the vault while the battleship remain in the drydock area waiting for deployment. It took couple of minutes to see the spirit to come alive within the hull of the ship.

???:" That was a great sleep for me..... MMMMM? Where is everyone at?"

The spirit look around and notice that the place is empty.

???: "Did everyone went for lunch break or something?"

He continue to wait until he can feel the earth shake and a huge blast of wind come out of the window which shatter the glass. Almost scare the crap out of him.

???(scare): "Damn that is a big wind blast."

He continue to wait and still no one came in.

???: "Did they forgot about me? I better look outside."

He went to the roof to see what is going on here until he saw something terrible.

He went to the roof to see what is going on here until he saw something terrible

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???(Shock): "What happen to the city?"

Everything was destroy by nukes and there are no sign of life in the area where he is built which means he is alone, but he continue to have faith of their return.

???: "I think their safe and sound somewhere; they're aren't going to take long to come back."

Unknown to him that don't take long part will become his biggest lie he will have to face.

200 years later

It was 200 years after he was built and we can see a couple of soldiers breaking into the shipyard where our main character is staying at..... For 200 years because the workers are already dead by a coup. We can see some with power armor with miniguns guarding the entrance while the other one enter the building with some soldiers with assault rifles and flashlight since they can't see anything in the dark.

Knight: "Keep your eyes open for any hostile."

His men nod and continue on until they reach the drydock where our battleship is cover in rust and see the spirit just sitting in the corner like he was dead for waiting for 200 years and can feel the impact of those years of not moving until he can hear voices from the distance which is the Brotherhood of Steel looking for Pre-War tech to advance their faction.

Initiate: "Sir; there is a nuclear battleship in the drydock."

Knight: "Looks like it wasn't use during the Great War. Poor ship that never see action before."

They hop on board of the ship to see if there any parts they can take until the general arrive to see what is in the drydock along with a Paladin.

Paladin: "Looks like a nuclear battleship that was use during the Great War."

General: "Except this one hasn't left the drydock."

Paladin: "What's our order?"

General: "I want to take this ship and added to the naval list to Brotherhood of Steel."

Paladin(shock): "Sir; this thing is rusted like hell. There is no way this ship can leave the drydock without breaking down."

General: "Than we fix the damn thing. We can't let this opportunity to pass us."

3 Years Later

We can see the Brotherhood of Steel finish modifying the nuclear battleship into his pride form and named it the BSS Citadel after their headquarters in the Capital Wasteland and depart to fight for the Brotherhood of Steel.

Citadel(happy): "For 200 years that I was trap in that building with no one to look after me; I'm going to repay them with my life for the Brotherhood of Steel."

They head out and see what adventure they will find.


BSS Citadel POV

Citadel(shout): "I'M NOT GOING BACK TO BE A LONER!"

  While I close my eyes and shout; I can hear a explosion which I can see a chunk of a mountain completely gun and I notice I have a rig out with smoke coming out of it. I put 2 to 2 together and realize that I destroy a chunk of a mountain with one of my turrets. I look around with sweat coming out of me to see any witness and good thing that no one saw that. I decide to high tail out of here.

Citadel(shout): "I DIDN'T DO IT!"

3rd POV

However unknown to Citadel that someone did saw the explosion, but it was on the other side of the island which looks like a girl with pink hair riding on the shark machine.

???: "I better report this to Lady Bismarck."

And another ship saw it, but maintain distance away from Citadel after he left the island.

???: " I never see that design before or that kansen for that matter and did he destroy that mountain with one shell? I better report this to her majesty."

To be Continued...

Chapter 3: War Never Change

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