Chapter 10: Heated Steel

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Atlantic Ocean

KMS Nijmegen POV

We just finish the meeting at France with the Vichya Dominion along with their counterpart of Iris Libre about doing building more ships at the divided Marseille which they agree on. We're heading back to Azur Lane where we got report that the Sakura Empire manage to capture the mystery battleship that is causing problems in this world including ignoring Lady Bismarck's sister Tirpitz who report the sighting of this battleship.

Deutschland: "So they finally capture that bloody battleship."

Spee: "Who?"

Nijmegen: "I hear that it was the Sakura Empire that did it after the Northern Parliament failed to capture him."


Nijmegen: "Their Russians so give them a break; now let's focus on getting home."

We continue heading to Azur Lane Main Base.


Azur Lane Base, Hawaii

BSS Citadel POV

I continue to explore the area of the base until I decide to check on the maintenance area of the port so I can do some checking on my rig to make sure that I'm prepare for the mission. Rule #1 in Brotherhood of Steel is to be prepare for mission ahead. I head to the maintenance area until I hear a growl ahead of me which reveal to be a shark like rig  bark at me.

Citadel(shock): "What the hell?"

???(angry) :"HEY! GET AWAY FROM MY RIG!"

I see a woman cover in oil.

Citadel: "Sorry about that; got startle by them

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Citadel: "Sorry about that; got startle by them."

???: "Well; don't bother them unless you want to lose your hand."

She went back to the rig and calm it down until she turn around with a weird look.

???: "You're the new battleship that everyone is talking about. You able to deflect Tirpitz's shells without damage and able defeat Mutter and Z23 including a large Siren fleet. That is pretty much a surprise to the higher ups and request all resources to capture you and tested you, but looks like the Sakura Empire beat us to it."

Citadel: "I doubt you girls have the power to stop me."

???: "Nope, but whatever the case the Sirens have interest in you."

Citadel: "Because of the power I can do to the world.... The power of a nuclear weapon that can destroy this world if use."

???: "Then it's best to destroy you now then later, but of course Azur Lane need that power to save Humanity."

Citadel: "That is the reason I joined so I continue my service to the Brotherhood's main goal is to protect and reserve Humanity."

???: "Then you have no problem of following orders."

She continue working with her rigging so I decide to work on my rig for prepping until she said her name.

???: "My name is KMS Admiral Hipper and you better remember it."

I head to the desk to work on my rig until Hipper got a call from her phone which cause her to leave the area with her rigging which means something must have happen, but at least I have the entire area to myself which is nice. I check the turrets to make sure that is in perfect condition. I continue to work on the condition until I can hear someone coming in which was Commander Akami.

Akami: "Checking on your rig?"

Citadel: "For preparation just in case I'm on mission."

She was happy that I was taking this new job serious; however I'm doing this under the order of the Brotherhood. She continue to observe me working on my rig until I finish it.

Citadel: "Looks like things are in order."

Akami: "That's good and now I got report that the three kansens I mention before will be arriving in couple of days. The girls from the Northern Parliament will be arriving tomorrow... The same you encounter at the Arctic Sea."

Citadel: "I know them; they were fun been drunk."

Akami(laugh): "That is true.... Looks like it's time for me to continue working or Yorktown will have a ear."

She left while I summon my rig and heading out.


Northern Parliament Fleet 

Sovetskaya Rossiya POV

We're heading back to Azur Lane Main Island in Hawaii after learning that battleship was capture by the Sakura Empire or recruited by them when I heard from Comrade Akami. I have my sister in charge of our main HQ in Northern Parliament. I have couple kansens with me to reinforce the main base while keeping the other kansens to protect our ports. I stay and wait observing the sky until Gangut arrive with vodka in her hand.

Gangut(drunk): "Time to party....(hic)."

Rossiya(angry): "Gangut! How much I have to tell you of not drinking during our way back to main base."

Gangut(drunk): "Come.... On..... At least..... We have a party..... With that battleship...."

I decide to ignore her and observe the sky more to clear my head until I notice a Siren fleet escort in the area so look like we have at least have some fight before coming back to the main base.


Everyone(shout): "FOR THE MOTHERLAND!"

We commence battle against the Sirens.

Time Skip

Azur Lane Main Island

BSS Citadel POV

I have arrive back to the Eagle Union dorm to end the day until I saw a carrier with ice along with more carriers with a flower symbol in the front including a small size carrier. I never see the ice-made carrier before. I continue to observe the carrier until they went separate ways except the small carrier that went to the Eagle Union port area and I can see two kitsunes. One of them is a tall male kansen with white wolf ears and tail; also a child like kitsune with fox ears and tail. I can see the Commander heading to the port to greet them.

Citadel(thought): "That looks like the Yorktown-class carrier and that little one has the similar ship like a Akagi-class carrier from Japan."

I continue to observe the two and they hold hands. Must be a father and a child, but where's the mother until I can see the adult version of that child rushing right at them with happiness along a short white hair woman wearing a kimono same as her but different colors.

To be Continued...

Chapter 11: USS Gettysburg the Ice Carrier

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