Chapter 20: Wasteland Citadel

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Wasteland, Commonwealth
Citadel POV

I start to wake up back into the Wasteland of the Commonwealth, but how I keep getting switch all the sudden unless this is importance to me. I'm wearing Power Armor joining with couple of men that is salvaging through the ruins to find tech or any information. I continue to observe and try to figure out why until one of the soldier arrive with information.

BS Soldier: "Sir; the Quinlan request to see you back at the Airport."

I nod and head to one of the gunship that is land on the hill. I hope on the gunship and the pilot took me to the Boston Airport to talk with Quinlan. I wonder what he got for me.

Time Skip
Boston Airport, Commonwealth

I   arrive at Boston Airport to see what Quinlan wants to speak me about the wisdom cube that we recover in the ruin in the Glowing Sea. I enter the flagship of Prydwen to see Quinlan who is examine the wisdom cube in his lab while I pet his cat who is laying on the table.

Quinlan: "There you are Jackson."

Jackson is the name of my captain of me until I got teleported to Azur Lane, but how did I become him after going through the portal. Something doesn't seem right about this, but I better play along and make sure that I collect enough information.

Jackson: "What do you got?"

Quinlan: "This cube like is interesting; I gather data across the Wasteland and no one know what this is. I even check the information from the Institute, but so far no luck."

Jackson: "What do you think?"

Quinlan: "Need to do some testing and also still no word of the whereabouts of BSS Citadel?"

I lie to him that I'm Citadel which I hate to do, but I need to in order to find out what happen to me.

Jackson: "No."

Quinlan: "I see. Kind of miss that ship; that ship saved more lives then our old fleet."

Jackson: "Me too."

He continue pick on the cube which I start to hear a voice coming from the wisdom cube.

???: "Hello?"

Jackson: "What?"

Quinlan: "What is it Jackson?"

Jackson: "Did you hear a voice just now?"

He shake his head and the voice continue to talk through the wisdom cube.

???: "I'm waiting for you papa."

Jackson(confuse): "Papa?"

The wisdom cube start to shake like crazy which cause me and the doctor to stay back before closing the door which cause a explosion in the room. Everyone was on alert and aiming at the door to see what happen.


Elder Maxson: "What's going on here?"

We start to open the door slowly to see nothing but smoke which cause the soldiers to move in to examine the situation. I don't see anything, but the cat was able to survive the explosion and jump on Doctor Quinlan while the soldiers continue to move around to check the room until a little girl's voice can be heard in the smoke.


A little girl with long white hair wearing the same outfit as Rossiya appear and hug me which cause the soldiers to aim their guns which I order them to stop.

A little girl with long white hair wearing the same outfit as Rossiya appear and hug me which cause the soldiers to aim their guns which I order them to stop

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Jackson(shout): "WAIT!"

I try to see the child a little more and definite have the same look as Rossiya, but she has the same eyes as me which I'm confuse of what's going on here. Elder Maxson came approach me.

Maxson: "Captain? Who's this girl?"

Jackson(confuse): "I don't know sir."

Maxson: "Clearly everyone heard Papa from the girl's voice."

???: "My name is SN Lost Hills. Papa and Mama named me."

Everyone was shock to hear the main headquarters of the Brotherhood of Steel  that is located in the NCR territory. I want everyone to leave me and the little girl alone except for Doctor Quinlan and Elder Maxson.

Jackson: "You say that you're my daughter, but I never know you or married."

Lost Hills: "That's because the half of the wisdom cube has the same scent as Papa."

Maxson(confuse): "Wisdom Cube?"

Jackson: "You mean this?"

I show them the half wisdom cube which cause Quinlan with intrigue that I have the part of it.

Jackson: "I didn't know that I had it until now."

I probably know since Vestal told me about it over on their world with the ship, but the question is who is the mother; however I probably know the answer to it.

Jackson: "Then who's your mother?"

Lost Hills: "Momma is Sovetskaya Rossiya."

Yup; she has her looks of her mother. Maxson demand answer of why I know all of this which I explain.

Jackson: "When the ship Citadel enter the portal during our route to the Commonwealth to fight against the Institute; we got separated, but this wisdom cube split into two where the ship has the other half. We're connected between worlds and Sovetskaya Rossiya is a female kansen or a girl who is the power of a warship just like Citadel. I want to make sure that I have all the information before I present to you Elder."

Elder Maxson pat me in the shoulder.

Maxson: "I believe you Jackson just like my other brothers and sisters of the Brotherhood, but there are a lot of things that I don't get."

I agree with Maxson that the ship is gone and this girl is my daughter due to the scent of my kansen form, but one thing for sure is that I'll protect her with my might. I walk with Lost Hills around the flagship and give her the tour of the place, but one thing for sure it's that I need to ask her of why she's here and not over that world.

To be Continued...

Chapter 21: Lost Hills

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