Chapter 16: Dragon Empery

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Port, Dragon Empery
Citadel POV

I help Yat Sen who introduce herself to me with her wheelchair since she took damage after the fight against the Sirens and thanking me for helping her people out.

Yat Sen: "I want to thank you for helping us to face against the Sirens."

Citadel: "No problem and I have help."

Yat Sen: "Gettysburg? He's a great person to talk to, but he always want to go to his wife Akagi and his child."

Citadel: "A good reason for him to finish his job so he can spend time with his family."

She nod while we continue exploring the port until she question about my old life at my world which I explain.

Citadel: "Not a lot since my world was destroy by a nuclear war and now I serve Brotherhood of Steel to make sure that Humanity survive the Wasteland."

Yat Sen: "What about our country?"

Citadel: "We're at war each other called the Great War which result of the total nuclear destruction of Humanity."

She was upset that both of our nation was at war and end up destroying it, but we stop our discussion when Gettysburg arrive.

Gettysburg: "We manage to get things done here so we better head out."

I nod and I bid farewell to Yat Sen while the girls take over my place and we head out back to Azur Lane port. We depart the port and heading out.

Time Skip
Pacific Ocean

We exit the Dragon Empery's waters and enter the Pacific Ocean while I sit on my bridge and observe the waters while thinking about what Gettysburg said about my relationship with Sovetskaya Rossiya so I decide to spend some time for her which I want to say that I'm sorry for tricking her in the Arctic Ocean and also I need to put my difference aside, but I need the help of Gettysburg and Nijmegen once we're back to Azur Lane.

Time Skip

Port, Azur Lane

We finally reach home after a couple of days of sea travel and notice a heavy cruiser arriving at the section of Iron Blood, but I can see red marks flowing through it's hull along with a battleship that is huge than the rest. Gettysburg notice it.

Gettysburg: "Looks like Bismarck and Nijmegen arrive."

Citadel(confuse): "That's Bismarck? That ship is huge than the rest of the battleship."

Gettysbrug: "That's because she's been upgrade after the Floating Fortress Incident. She's now a  Zwei-Class Iron Blood Battleship. She's also the wife of Nijmegen."

That explains why those two ships are together, but have a hard time of seeing Nijmegen since the battleship is too big. We manage to dock at Eagle Union dock and see Akagi along with her daughter waiting for her husband to return which Gettysburg jump off of his ship and rush to Akagi.

 We manage to dock at Eagle Union dock and see Akagi along with her daughter waiting for her husband to return which Gettysburg jump off of his ship and rush to Akagi

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Gettysburg: "I have return you two. How's things while I was gone?"

Nippon: "Hello there papa."

Gettysburg hold Nippon while Akagi talk to him.

Akagi: "Things are going great and Kaga is arguing with Zuikaku again."

Gettysburg sigh which means that this is normal and he turn around to face me.

Gettysburg: "Sorry Citadel, but I need to deal with this before things get worst."

He head out to see what's going on with Kaga and Zuikaku at the section of the Sakura Empire while I head out to explore the base for the day until I find something to do.

Time Skip
Market, Azur Lane

I head to the market area where I can see a couple of girls doing business at the market stall and notice some food stall where the girls are making and serving food. I try some of the food and it was delicious. I check the other stall and notice a couple of market stalls and bought some stuff for my new room until I notice Sovetskaya Rossiya who is wearing her military outfit and not her working clothes which I can see her talking with the green cat girl with tools coming out of her sleeves.

 I check the other stall and notice a couple of market stalls and bought some stuff for my new room until I notice Sovetskaya Rossiya who is wearing her military outfit and not her working clothes which I can see her talking with the green cat gir...

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???: "Vestal was here to buy the last one nya. You need to wait until we get more nya."

Sovetskaya was angry, but decide to leave until she notice me.

Sovetskaya: "Hello Comrade Citadel; what brings you here?"

Citadel: "Looking for tools?"

Sovetskaya: "I need a tool that can help me to fix my rig."

Citadel: "You want me to help you? I got some tools in my ship that can probably help you."

Sovetskaya: "Really? Then let's see it."

We both head to my ship to get the tools so she can fix her rig.


BBS Citadel

We head to my ship to see if I have any tools to help her to fix her rig which Sovetskaya was intrigue to be in a nuclear battleship.

Sovetskaya: "I bet you see battles."

Citadel: "I didn't see any battles since I was spent 200 years trap in the shipyard."

Sovetskaya(shock): "200 Years?"

I nod and told her that it was the Brotherhood of Steel who was able to bring me alive so it's an honor to serve under them and hope I reunite with them.... If I can go back. We found the tools and we head out to her dorm to fix her rig.

Time Skip
Northern Parliament Dorm

We head to the Northern Parliament to fix Sovetskaya's rig while we talk about kind of tools that can benefit to the kansens and discuss my adventure with my brothers and sisters of Brotherhood of Steel which she is intrigue of how they able to survive in a nuclear wasteland which I answer that we watch each other's back. We head inside to fix her rig.

Chapter 17: Fixture Love

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