Chapter 18: Dinner Comrade

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Restaurant of Tova, Azur Lane
Citadel POV

Me and Sovetskaya Rossiya decide to head out for dinner after we fixed her rig. She is wearing her military outfit and I'm wearing Brotherhood of Steel military outfit too while we try to find a place to eat which it's Restaurant of Tova and I notice Gettysburg came out of the building until he notice me.

Gettysburg: "Hello there Citadel and Rossiya."

Sovetskaya: "Greetings Comrade Gettysburg. Just finish eating?"

Gettysburg: "Just spend time with Akagi and Nippon. Getting something to eat?"

Citadel: "You can say that."

He stare at me with question looks and stare at Sovetskaya the same way.

Gettysburg: "You're going to have dinner in those outfits?"

Citadel: "Something wrong?"

He smack his head on the wall and drag me along for the ride while he whistle for assistance which another male kansen arrive that has a German outfit with dragon horns on his head.

???: "What is it Gettysburg?"

Gettysburg: "This is Citadel who is a nuclear battleship and we need to dress him up for occasion. I also contact Akagi to help Rossiya out since this isn't a best way for a date. Also this here is Nijmegen the Iron Blood Heavy Cruiser I was talking about who is going to help you out."

Nijemegen: "He's right of why you guys wearing military outfit while going to have something to eat."

Those two look at each other and smug before they grab me to a nearby store.  I worry about Rossiya.

Dressing Store, Azur Lane
Sovetskaya Rossiya POV

I got dragged by Akagi and Kirov who say that I need to dress more girly for Citadel, but I don't know what's going on here.

Kirov: "Listen Comrade Rossiya; it's nice to wear military outfit, but if you want to draw the boy out than you need to dress cute."

Rossiya: "But; it's nothing but friends going for dinner."

Akagi: "Nonsense; when a man ask you out for dinner which means it's a date. I know that in fact since my beloved Gettysburg ask me out when we met."

Akagi when her heaven while Kirov continue to lecture me and drag me into the dressing room before she change my outfit out which cause me to scream for help, but looks like no one is coming since Akagi is making sure that no one interfere.

Time Skip
Restaurant of Tova
Citadel POV

After that embarrassing event with me and the boys; I glad I got out of there because they start to argue what's the best outfit for me to wear; however I manage to retreat while they weren't paying attention and manage to put back my outfit. I wait for Sovetskaya Rossiya since I learn that she got capture like me by Akagi and Kirov, but I hope she manage to escape from their grasp like me. I wait for her arrive until I can hear her voice coming from behind me.

Sovetskaya Rossiya: "Citadel."

That wasn't her at all with that voice since she always say Comrade before my name. I turn around to see Sovetskaya Rossiya wearing a different dress like before.

Citadel: "Rossiya? Let me guess that the girls drag you to get a new dress because of what we're wearing isn't it?"

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Citadel: "Rossiya? Let me guess that the girls drag you to get a new dress because of what we're wearing isn't it?"

Rossiya(sigh): "Yes and Akagi made sure that I don't leave without wearing the dress so I have no choice."

Citadel: "I got lucky that Gettysburg and Nijmegen were arguing over outfits so I decide to break for it, but you look pretty with that dress and with your average cape makes a fine touch to it."

Rossiya(blush): "Thank you, but we better start eating before it close."

I agree with her and enter the building to have dinner. We manage to find a seat and the waitress give us the menu while I help her with her fur cape and put it on her chair which she thanks for it. We're about to have our dinner until couple of girls enter the room and approach us while I can see Gettysburg and Nijmegen is full of smoke and pass out. I can tell one of the is Akagi who is Gettysburg life, but I don't know who this woman is, but I can tell she has strength.

 I can tell one of the is Akagi who is Gettysburg life, but I don't know who this woman is, but I can tell she has strength

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???: "You must Citadel; I'm sorry for the trouble that my husband is causing you. My name is KMS Bismarck the leader of Iron Blood."

Citadel: "No problem, but why is those two smoking?"

Akagi(sigh): "They cause problems at one of the stores so Bismarck fire at them which almost destroy the building so Iron Blood is paying the damage, but the good thing for me I can cuddle with my husband."

I can see lust in that woman's eye and drag Gettysburg away while Bismarck sigh.

Bismarck: "Same old Akagi as always. I better punish Nijmegen for causing us problems."

Bismarck drag Nijmegen away while everyone stay the hell away from Bismarck while dragging her husband on the ground. I don't know I feel sorry for those two or earning respect to deal with those girls. Me and Rossiya continue to have our dinner.

Time Skip

We finish our dinner and I help Rossiya to get her fur coat on before we pay the meal which I was able to get money by helping the Commander out. We left the building and escort her back to the dorm.

Rossiya: "Thank you for the dinner."

Citadel: "No problem and I hope we do this next time without anyone to interfere."

She was happy and we head to the Northern Parliament gate which she kiss me in the cheeks before depart. I head back to Eagle Union dorm while I can feel the warmth of the kiss which I call a success, but I better find more ways to improve my relationship. Time to head for the drawing board.

Eagle Union Section

I head to the gates of Eagle Union where I can see Enterprise looking for someone.

Enterprise: "Citadel; you don't see Gettysburg around do you?"

Citadel: "I think he's spending time with his wife."

We both sigh.

To be Continued....

Chapter 19: Sports 

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