Chapter 7: Steel and the Fox

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Bering Sea, Arctic Ocean

BSS Citadel POV

After I was able to escape from the Northern Parliament after giving them drunk so I can escape without causing any problems, but going to be a problem for their higher ups since they failed their mission... Now I feel bad for them. I continue making wayward out of the Bering Sea and into the Pacific Ocean to see what in store for me, but looks like someone is coming to pay me a visit. I can see a small kitsune girl.

Citadel(thought): "Now their sending out little girls now

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Citadel(thought): "Now their sending out little girls now. How low can you guys be?"

The kitsune girl approach me and looks like she wants to talk about something so I decide to listen what she wants.

Citadel: "What do you want?"

???: "My name is IJN Nagato of the Sakura Empire and I request your assistance."

Citadel: "Ohhh! Are you sure you about that because everyone I encounter wants to capture me."

Nagato: "I know because you're the only battleship that defeat Fredrich der Grosses and destroy a entire Siren fleet by yourself so this news is spreading like wildfire."

Citadel: "And why would you want me to help you? I don't know you."

Nagato: "We an organization called Azur Lane and we're here to fight the Sirens to protect Humanity."

That word manage to hit me like home since the Brotherhood of Steel main purpose is to protect Humanity and preserve it from evil. Azur Lane is almost the same as my faction so I ask the main question.

Citadel: "What is the members of Azur Lane?"

Nagato: "That will be my faction of Sakura Empire, Iron Blood, Northern Parliament, Eagle Union, Royal Navy, and more factions have joined the organization. Please with your firepower; there is a chance that we can save Humanity from the Sirens."

After she bow for recruiting me to support Humanity in their time of needs. I decide to agree with her and joined Azur Lane under the Article of Brotherhood of Steel that my mainly purpose is the same as them.

Citadel: "Very well then, but let you know that if there are any traitorous thoughts against me will be result a total annihilation. I don't want to do so please let's not do that."

She agree while sweating more then before until she realize that she has a fleet attacking a Siren fleet behind her which she beg me to help her friends.

Nagato(beg): "Please help me fight against the Sirens."

Citadel: "Those puny ships? I can deal them myself."

I rush toward the fleet and attack the Sirens.

Sakura Fleet, Pacific Ocean

Nagato POV

I watch the battleship attacking the Siren ships with AP Shells and destroy some of them with couple of shots, but not enough to make a big smoke like the report from Tirpitz, but right now I head to my fleet to see Kawakaze wounded and sister is difficult of getting the shots.

Kawakaze(hurt): "My lady?"

Nagato: "I'm here and I brought the battleship with me."

We can see the male kansen rip that turret off of the Siren battleship with one hand which scare the girls and he threw the turret right at the Siren destroyer and the fight last for couple of hours with him doing all the work. All Siren ships have been destroyed and he got no damage from the fight at all. I was shock to see him taking no damage from the fight. He approach us.

???: "Any injuries?"

Nagato(scared): "No?"

???: "Relax; I'm not going to hurt especially little girls. Not my taste."

The girls are getting up, but maintain distance from the battleship, but I forgot about his name."

Nagato: "What's your name?"

???: "My name is BSS Citadel a nuclear battleship and a proudly member of Brotherhood of Steel."

Me and the girls are confused of nuclear battleship and this faction of Brotherhood of Steel, but if he is more powerful ship then all of us then we're in trouble, but I'm glad I was able to bring him on our side before the Sirens capture and turn him against us. I can see a couple girls are having a hard time to stand so I order them to head back to Azur Lane main base at Hawaii.

Nagato: "Let's go home girls. Depart toward Azur Lane base."

The girls cheer while we escort Citadel with us and report our success of recruiting him to Azur Lane.

Azur Lane HQ, Hawaii

Akami POV 

I was looking at the report of the Northern Parliament that they let the strange battleship to get away because they got drunk on the job.... What's with those girls and their vodkas? I continue reading the report until Enterprise arrive with news from Sakura Empire.

Enterprise: "Commander; we got report that the Sakura Empire engage the Sirens south of Bering Sea."

Akami: "Okay; time to send some help for them."

Enterprise: "Don't need to.. They got help from that strange battleship and they manage to recruit him to join Azur Lane."

Akami(shock): "Just like that?"

Enterprise: "Well everyone pretty much threaten him and attack him so he see us as a threat, but lucky Lady Nagato manage to persuade him."

Akami: "Very well then; I contact the faction leaders and tell them that the hunt is off and request them to return to base. While I do that please make our new guest a warm welcome."

Enterprise: "Very well Commander."

She left while I contact the leaders to come to the main base since we got the battleship.

Northern Parliament HQ, Russia

Sovetskaya Rossiya POV

I head to HQ to get on my comfort chair while I drink some little bit of vodka for relaxation. I was about to drink until I get a call from Comrade Akami at Azur Lane HQ.

Rossiya: "Comrade Akami?"

Akami(Phone): "I giving you a call that we got the battleship so I want the leaders to return to main base."

Rossiya: "Yes comrade; I be there with the rest of the fleet."

I hang the phone off and I drink the vodka before heading out.

To be Continued...

Chapter 8: Azur Lane

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