Chapter 6: Soviet Steel

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Arctic Ocean, Northern Russia

Sovetskaya Rossiya POV

We got word from Iron Blood that the mystery battleship is heading to Bering Sea after Tirpitz encounter him destroying the entire Siren fleet. I have the my best ships out to make sure we can stop him before he gets away again.

Gangut: "After this I'm getting vodka or couple of barrels of it."

Sovetskaya: "Please Gangut; we have a powerful foe heading our way."

Avrora: "Girls; we got him on my radar."

We can see a unknown ship heading this way. Looks like our target, but looks like he is enjoying himself in this cold of the Arctic.

Gangut: "He got guts to wearing a light outfit in this coldness."

Sovetskaya: "Time to pay him a visit; Northern Parliament move out."

We both move out and intercept the unknown battleship.


BSS Citadel POV

I sitting on my chair while my nuclear reactor is warming up the ship while fueling it up with ice cold water of the Arctic to keep from overheating. Good thing that I can get use to the cold, but I need to leave before more people to hunt me, but looks like I underestimate them when I saw couple of shipgirls heading this way.

Citadel: "Those girls are look like Soviet outfit. Are they enemies? I know in my lifetime that Chinese are the enemy of the people, but I know that the Soviet stay out of the Great War."

I keep my turrets on hot if they have any idea of capturing me.


Was that a joke because they don't look threaten to me.

Citadel: "So? What're you going to do with those puny turrets?"

She know that they can't take me on so they want to do this peaceful and hopefully I buy to the lie, but I didn't.

???2: "Got any vodka?"

Citadel: "Got Surkov Vodka in my kitchen."

???2(happy): "Then how about we can talk about this in vodka."

She jump on board of heading to the kitchen where I got vodka in the fridge while the leader of this little group staring at me. I'm not going to be capture by the Soviets... Nope. I head to the kitchen to see the woman that is addicted to the vodkas.

???2(happy): "You got a load of Vodkas."

That is because we supply ourselves with drinks that we can get our hands on during salvage missions of pre-tech and once get supplies at home port. She grab the vodkas while I hid my favorite drink which is Nuka-Cola which I have a stash hidden in my office in the safe, but I'm not telling them that. They start drinking until one of them talk to me.

???: "Once we're done here then we take you to port and question you."

Citadel: "Sure."

I hope they get drunk from the vodka and leave while they sleep. They drink about 20 bottles of vodka which I was surprise that they are still standing from it, but of course this are Russian ships so I'm not surprise.

Time Skip

They finally pass out from 6 more bottles which I'm completely run out and it is time for me to depart, but I'm not going to make them sleep in the cold so I give them some blankets to keep them warm and drop them at their coast. I head to the coast of Russia and drop them off with warm blankets and head out before their friends start searching. Next stop Pacific Ocean across the Bering Sea.

Time Skip

Sovetskaya Rossiya POV

I start to wake up after having to much Vodka and forgot about our mission of bring the capture battleship.

Rossiya(hurt): "My head hurt from all those vodka. We should to learn not to drink during mission. Okay kansen; time for questioning."

I notice that everyone is drunk and the strange battleship kansen is missing which means that he got away while we got drunk........ GOD DAMN IT! Sis will be angry that we let him get away because he have vodka. Everyone start to wake up from slumber and Gungat start cheering for more.

Gungut(happy): "TIME FOR ROUND 2!"

I smack her in the head.


Gungut: "He must be a good person if he let us have his vodka and warm blanket before departing ways with us."

That must be true, but why isn't he port in Azur Lane. We decide to report this to sis and I hope that battleship kansen is doing okay, but looks like he's going to encounter the Eagle Union and Sakura Empire fleet.
We depart.

Mean while

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean

Nagato POV

We got report that the mystery battleship is heading this way and the Eagle Union won't take part of this operation due to Sirens near their Eastern Coast so it's up to us to capture this unknown battleship. Let's hope the Northern Parliament able to capture him. I have a fleet assemble just in case the Northern Parliament won't able to capture him. I wait until Zuikaku contact me that he manage to bypass the Northern Parliament.

Zuikaku: "Lady Nagato; we got report that the unknown battleship manage to bypass the Northern Parliament and heading this way.

Nagato(angry): "What are those girls doing? Drinking vodka and get drunk?"

I order all units to be ready for that unknown battleship, but unknown to us that the Siren forces have arrive to intercept the battleship as well.

Kawakaze: My lady; Siren forces have enter the area."

Nagato: "Looks like it. They want that battleship. EVERYONE BATTLESTATION!"

The fleet commence attack against the Siren forces while I head toward Bering Sea to intercept the battleship before the Sirens do.

Nagato: "Kawakaze; command the fleet while I hunt down this battleship. We can't let this ship get away again."

Kawakaze(worry): "My lady at least have some escort."

Nagato: "No; we can't let this opportunity to slip by."

There is only way out of Being Sea which is the tip of Alaska so I'll make contact with him and bring him in. This is the only opportunity we have left before he disappear in thin air again. I hope I can persuade him. For the sake of Humanity.

To be Continued....

Chapter 7: Steel and the Fox

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