Chapter 19: Sports

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5 Weeks Later
Sport Square, Azur Lane
Citadel POV

It's been 5 weeks since I arrive here and spending time with Sovetskya Rossiya to improve my relationship with her is going smoothly. There was little conflict with the Sirens, but nothing major. I was walking through the Sport Square where the girls are practicing sports and notice Cleveland is challenging Baltimore to a contest which she agree so they start the challenge. I stand by and watch the girls playing basketball until Denver notice me.


I decide to accept the offer since it's good exercise;  I put my hat on the bench so I don't lose it while I'm playing basketball. We start the game with Baltimore who is sweating which I notice that her clothes it's getting wet from the sweat. Of course; everyone is sweating because of the heat and the running. We start the game and I work with Baltimore to earn some victories, but the Cleveland sisters are more the trouble than they offer. The Last game has reach 3-4 so that means that if we win it's going to be a tied, but if the Cleveland sisters win than we lose. We continue the assault with me leading the charge while Baltimore dodge the sisters and throw the ball to me before I strike at the basket which result in a tie. We decide to quit because we're getting sweating and Monty give us a bottles of water to hydrate ourselves in.

Cleveland: "That was a great game. Thank you for playing with us Citadel."

Citadel: "No problem."

Baltimore: "I better head out and do other sports before dark."

She left while I talk with Cleveland.

Citadel: "She never stop do she."

Cleveland: "She always love sports, but that make her special."

I continue to drink the water until it was time for me to head out.

Azur Lane School, Azur Lane
Time Skip

I head to a school building where I can see a lot of kansens heading in and out which means this place is for kansens who want to learn their abilities and tactics. Smart move. I check the building to see kansens learning about stuff and notice Gettysburg's daughter Nippon talking with her friends. I continue to explore the building and see a gym area where I can see Baltimore playing sports with the rest of the kensens, but what she's doing is shocking. She is playing both sports at the same time and helping out her teammates like crazy. I never see someone play different kind of sports at the same time, but looks like she needs help. I offer myself to help her out.

Citadel: "Baltimore; let me help you out here."

Baltimore(tired): "Thank you Citadel."

I play volleyball while she is focus on basketball. The game last for about couple of hours until it was time for us to quit. Again; we're both sweating from playing and Baltimore give me a bottle of water.

Citadel: "Thank you."

Baltimore: "No thank you for helping me."

We both drink our waters until she question me.

Baltimore: "How is your progress with Rossiya?"

Citadel: "We're getting there, but need to be patient."

We continue to talk while drinking water to cool down until it was time for me to head out. I continue to walk until I start to see vision of the Wasteland in my head which it's been awhile for it to happen, but why it's this keep on happening. I head to Vestal to help me of what's going on here.

Time Skip

I arrive at the hospital where I can see Vestal working with the workers here until she notice me.

Vestal: "Something wrong Citadel?"

Citadel: "Something like that and I want some input of you opinion."

She escort me to one of the rooms and make sure that nothing is wrong with me.

Vestal: "What seems the problem?"

I explain to her that I have vision of the Wasteland during my first stay at Azur Lane where I back there and I have another vision of it today. She wrote it down and start to examine my wisdom cube. I hope nothing bad is happening to me, but I can see the shock on her face.

Citadel: "Something wrong?"

Vestal(shock): "Something is wrong Citadel. Where's your other half of the wisdom cube?"

Citadel(confuse): "What do you mean?"

She show me the computer to reveal half of the wisdom cube is missing or a smaller version of the wisdom cube.

Vestal: "The wisdom cube shouldn't be half the amount of it."

I start to think about until I start to realize that part of the wisdom cube is at the Wasteland.

Citadel: "I think my other half is in my world."

She's confuse so I explain to her that I went through a portal that appear right in front of me; that's how I manage to reach this world so she get the situation.

Vestal: "I take it that portal split your wisdom cube in half. The one is here and the other is in the Wasteland. To be honest; that's worrisome."

Citadel(confuse): "What do you mean?"

Vestal: "That means if you died in battle than you probably be a smaller version like a child or something since you need a fully wisdom cube to be completely form. Other than that your spirit will be transfer to the other half of the wisdom cube."

That explains of how I going to different worlds from here to the Wasteland because my other half of the wisdom cube is located there. I bid farewell to Vestal and head back to the Eagle Union dorm while I start to think of a way to get my wisdom cube back into full.

To be Continued...

Chapter 20: Wasteland Citadel 

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