Chapter 9: Nuclear Battleship

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Inside BSS Citadel

Citadel POV

I escort the girls inside my ship and show them the restriction area that they're not allow in due to dangerous materials inside. I show them the door.

Citadel: "This is the restriction door."

Everyone notice the symbol on the door

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Everyone notice the symbol on the door.

Akami: "What's the symbol on the door?"

Citadel: "This is a nuclear symbol which means this the storage of nuclear shells or anything that has radiation. If you enter the room then you get radiation poison lucky I have some RadAway which helps you clean yourselves from radiation poison plus I got some Hazard Suit for protection, but for the safety; only I'm allow in this area."

Akami: "Is it dangerous?"

Citadel(laugh): "Dangerous? This is the same shell that destroy the entire Siren Fleet with one shot and the same that blew up that mountain. Lucky this is mini version of a nuke otherwise that island with a blew up mountain will be gone for good. So DON'T TOUCH IT!"

Everyone was scare after I tell them that and listen to my warning. I continue escort them around the ship and notice my nuclear reactor at the middle of the ship.

???: "What is this?"

Citadel: "The nuclear reactor that power me up. It overheats so I use water to cool it down before moving forward. That way I don't go to ports and continue the mission unless I need supplies like ammo or food for the crew."

Akami: "No wonder; that you went missing in couple of weeks. I was wonder why you didn't arrive at some port otherwise we got our hands on you."

Citadel: "Because where I'm from all the ports are obsolete due to lack of supplies of fuel so we decide to use water to cool down the reactor, but this is better then my world because the entire sea is cover in green of radiation."

We continue moving forward to check the bridge and they the symbol of Brotherhood of Steel at the back of the bridge. They examine the devices on the bridge, but tell them of don't touch them. After that we head out of the ship.

Port, Azur Lane

We exit my ship and Akami talk to me.

Akami: "Since you're helping us against the Sirens; I think we need to put you in your own quarters, Belfast do we have any room?"

Belfast: "We have only the guest room Commander."

Akami: "Then you'll be staying there until we give you a dorm room, but we have to put you in your respectable faction. Where are you born?"

Citadel: "I was built in Washington DC."

Akami: "Then how about we give you one of the dorm room in Eagle Union Dorm. Follow me."

I follow the Commander and question this.

Citadel(thought): "Why can I stay in the guest room?"

Eagle Union, Dorm, Azur Lane

We arrive at the Eagle Union with American flag all over the place with the eagle as the replacement of the stars.

Akami: "This is the Eagle Union section of the base and the flagship is Enterprise so listen to her."

Citadel: "Okay?"

We continue to head inside to see a cowgirl wearing only a short pants and bra while wearing a cape.

Akami: "Hello there Hornet."

Hornet: "Greeting Commander and who is this guy?"

Akami: "He is joining Eagle Union for the time being against the Sirens so I'm having him staying here."

Hornet: "Okay than; my name is USS Hornet the little sister of the Yorktown.... Well not anymore because my little brother USS Gettysburg. Actually where is he?"

Akami: "If you're looking for him then he went with Akagi and her sister for training with the new recruits at the Sakura Empire."

Hornet(question): "Are you sure about that and not having alone time to each other?"

Akami(sigh): "True; I agree with you, but he is great with this kind of stuff so I let this go. Excuse us, but I need to escort him to his room."

Hornet(happy): "Okay Commander and welcome to Eagle Union Mr."

She left while we head out to my new room. It took couple of minutes until we reach a door with no nameplate and she open it up to reveal a empty room with a window overlooking the main square of the section of Eagle Union.

Akami: "This is your room for the time being and let you know that if you're looking for work then come find me at my office at that building over there."

I look at the window to see the building on the hillside overlooking the port which I can guess that must be the HQ.

Citadel: "Okay then; how about something for me to do?"

Akami: "Actually I do have test for you, but got to wait until three kansens from their mission. I need them to do some escort some supplies to Solomon Islands."

Belfast: "You refer to KMS Nijmegen and his older sisters?"

Akami: "Correct; those three are coming back from their trip in France. For now; take a tour around the base to get your bearings on until those three arrive."

After that; she head out with Enterprise while I can a look around the dorm to get my bearings. After I finish looking at the dorm I decide to head out to see the base.

Azur Lane Base

I head to the market like place to see different kind of food from different factions, but at least it wasn't Radroaches so I decide to order some food.

Citadel: "Excuse me."

???: "Want to order?"

Citadel: "I want some Sukiyaki please."

???: "Coming right up."

She went to make some food for couple of hours until it was finish.

???: "Sorry for the wait. Here you go."

I try the food and it was taste great and like I say before.... Better then Radroaches. I sit down and have some of those Sukiyaki and watch the port for the kansens that was supposed to return from France. What's their name again?........... Nijmegen is that his name?

To be continued........

Note: "I'm going to use my main characters USS Gettysburg and KMS Nijmegen to get some better chapters for the story.

Chapter 10: Heated Steel

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