Chapter 11: USS Gettysburg the Ice Carrier

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Outskirts of Azur Lane Main Island

USS Gettysburg POV

We're returning our trip from the Sakura Empire to talk with Lady Yamato about the exercise with the defense fleet while Akagi and Kaga talk with her older sister Amagi including spending time with our child Akagi-chan. We're heading toward the main island of the base until Akagi-chan talk to me.

Akagi-chan: "What do you think about my training with the defense fleet father?"

Gettysburg: "You did great there Akagi-chan."

I give her a headpat which she smile and Akagi arrive with a smile on her face along with some drink for both of us.

Akagi(happy): "How my two great people doing?"

Gettysburg: "Looking over the plans from Lady Yamato to see any lacking area of the plans and Akagi-chan did great job with her defense training."

Akagi(happy): "That is good... It was a shame that we didn't join Lady Nagato of capturing the mystery battleship."

Gettysburg(thought): "Yes that strange battleship which back before my rebirth I overheard a nuclear battleship which is strange for this timeline unless he came from another world or reborn just like me. I better have a talk with this battleship when we get back."

We're approaching the base until Akagi-chan notice something in the Eagle Union section of the port.

Akagi-chan: "Dad; there is a strange ship in our port."

I take a look and see that looks like a advance battleship docking at the port so that means this is the ship that everyone is talking about. We're approaching port to see the Commander heading to our section of the port while Akagi and Kaga head to the section of the Sakura Empire.

Eagle Union Section Port, Azur Lane

We arrive at the Eagle Union section port of the main base and we're greeted by the Commander.

Akami: "Welcome back Gettysburg and Akagi-chan; how was the exercise?"

Gettysburg: "Akagi-chan did a great job at the defense fleet and things are great over there."

Akami: "That's good. As you already see that the mystery battleship has joined us against the Sirens. He will be living in the sector of Eagle Union."

So he is staying here so I can have a chat with him about his origin of where he is coming from. From what the description I overheard tells me he has nuclear weapons in him. After we finish talking; me and Akagi-chan head to the dorm while Akagi and Kaga have business over with Iron Blood section. It's time to talk with this battleship.


Eagle Union Dorm, Azur Lane

BSS Citadel

After I observe the group down at the port I decide to head to my dorm room to do some organizing the place until I can hear a door knock which was a tall woman with metal thing on her head for some reason.

After I observe the group down at the port I decide to head to my dorm room to do some organizing the place until I can hear a door knock which was a tall woman with metal thing on her head for some reason

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 ???: "Hello there; you must be the new guy..... My name is New Jersey the most powerful battleship in the Eagle Union. Please to meet you."

I can tell that she is happy to see a new person.

Citadel(confuse): "Please to meet you New Jersey."

New Jersey(happy): "I heard so much about you from the Sakura Empire girls that recruit you to join our big band of fighters against those evil Sirens. Tell me; do you have a partner?"

Citadel(confuse): "Partner?"

New Jersey: "Like a lady friend?"

Citadel: "Noooooo?"

New Jersey: "Will don't worry there are a lot of good women here who are single so take your time here...... Probably..."

???: "That's enough New Jersey."

I look behind her and see a male white kitsune along with a smaller brown kitsune behind him which cause New Jersey to turn around.

New Jersey(happy): "Gettysburg? Back from Sakura Empire?"

Gettysburg: "Yup and you should be mindful to people that put them in a tough spot."

New Jersey: "Sorry about that, but I want to talk with the newbie."

Gettysburg: "Do it without pushing buttons."

She complain until Gettysburg told her that Enterprise is looking for her.

Gettysburg: "Enterprise is looking for you so don't make her wait."

New Jersey left while the white kitsune stare at me with interest look.

Gettysburg: "So you're the battleship that causing problem here... What's your story?"

Citadel: "Meaning?"

Gettysburg: "A nuclear battleship appear out of nowhere is strange unless you come from another world. What's your faction?"

Citadel: "Brotherhood of Steel."

That was enough for him to pique his interest like he know what I was talking about.

Gettysburg: "Brotherhood of Steel? Like you're from the Capitol Wasteland or the Commonwealth."

Citadel(shock): "How do you know?"

Gettysburg: "That's because I play the game of Fallout before I came to this world as a reborn and I'm a big fan of the Brotherhood of Steel. Ad Victorian."

Citadel(happy): "You know the motto."

Gettysburg: "To heart man."

We shake hands and we continue talk about our lives where he was killed at Gettysburg from a semi truck and reborn in this world. He fought against the Crimson Axis, but married to the other kitsune named Akagi and have a child of their own named Akagi-chan. I tell him about my mission in the Brotherhood which he like the story about the Commonwealth and the war against the NCR or the Enclave.

Gettysburg: Must be suck to be the only battleship in the Wasteland."

Citadel: "I thought I be alone in that world until the Brotherhood of Steel arrive and enlist me to the faction. I own them my life."

Gettysburg: "I know there are people are not very fond of the Brotherhood because they keep advance tech to themselves, but I kind understand their move. Don't want the tech to fall into the wrong hands."

I agree with him and we continue to talk until his daughter arrive to inform him that the Northern Parliament arrive, but toke some damage.

Akagi-chan: "Dad; the Northern Parliament arrive and looks like they have a fight."

Gettysburg: "They must have encounter the Sirens during their trip back. Better see if they need help. Want to come?"

I agree and join him to see the Northern Parliament to see if they need help. We depart to the section of Northern Parliament while talking.

To be Continued......

Chapter 12: Steel Bear  

Azur Lane: Battleship of Steel (Azur Lane X Fallout)Where stories live. Discover now